Importing Rigs from Rack to stage and touch sensitive knob on stage.

  • My questions are two fold. First, I am trying to import rigs from rack to my new stage. It was suggested I save them to a usb stick and export and import them. Most of them are performance rigs, so I saved them to the pool and then exported them to a usb stick. It was a total of about 14 rigs. When I put the usb stick in the stage and did import, it only imported 2 new rigs and said that either rigs were already in the browse pool or I had reached by rig limit. Is there something wrong with my rig names, since most began as MBritt profiles, so the stage sees them as similar or the same? I tried renaming a few but that didn't work. Is there another way using rig manager to accomplish what I want to accomplish?

    Second, when I watched the tone junkie video, it shows the scrolling button as being touch sensitive. Mine doesn't do that. It pushed down and scrolls just fine, but I don't see any reaction when I just touch it.

  • It's way more easy than you think.

    Drag the performances from your Rack to RM.

    Now with your Stage connected you can do copy & paste with performances from RM to the Stage.

    Dragging doesn’t work here because the Stage needs to know which slot the performance is going to.

    As for "touch sensitive": I think it’s just inaccurate wording by Tone Junkie.

    When I only barely touch the knob nothing happens. But when some pressure is applied (horizontally or vertically) the screen change happens.

  • As for "touch sensitive": I think it’s just inaccurate wording by Tone Junkie.

    When I only barely touch the knob nothing happens. But when some pressure is applied (horizontally or vertically) the screen change happens.

    They don't seem to detect a touch but are indeed very sensitive so I get that he thought that. Could also be related to him buying a Tesla perhaps.. expecting mind-blowing technology everywhere ;)

    Get a sound,
    Feel the groove,
    Make something happen.

  • TYPE and BROWSE on the Stage are indeed capacative sensors. ;)

    Nice touch! 8o

    Now that I know for sure it’s more obvious that they are. The sensor is only active when necessary so TYPE only responds when editing effects, maybe that is the case with the OP’s Stage?

    Get a sound,
    Feel the groove,
    Make something happen.

  • And it really makes me wonder about using them in a foot device and exposed to accidental touch. Not to mention spilling beer ;)

    Beer is the Stage‘a nemesis =O

    Unless you are a barefoot guitar player (nothing wrong with that) you won’t accidentally trigger the sensor because shoes don’t conduct. :)

    Get a sound,
    Feel the groove,
    Make something happen.

  • I getcha; I can be a bit of a sensitive knob onstage, so the rest of the band try not to touch me, either.

    Seriously, I like the addition of the capacitive rotary encoders. I'm going to get a Stage for flying and cycling to and from rehearsal, my toaster will stay at home or the studio. Just need to sell an amp or two, first...

  • Hi Dear

    After updating the firmware (OS) of my Kemper Stage to version, the “Touch Sensitivity” of its “Browse Knob” has been disabled! ??

    how I can Activate it again?!

    I can’t find any option in system settings! By touching the Browse Knob, nothing does not happen and I need to press it down, then the menu of different Rigs appear on the Kemper screen!

    many thanks