Kemper Stage - Loose knobs, broken stomp switches, browser push knob broken & more. Poor Quality?

  • Recently, the Focusrite no longer locks onto the Kemper as the external S/PDIF clock when you select this option in Focusrite Control.

    It now locks, IF you set it to spdif first (with kemper switched off) and then turn on the Kemper. Not ideal at all when producing but at least it locks... However, It still crashes. Bizarre. Even when I unplug the spdif and back in again like you did, that doesn't work. I have to fully shut down the Kemper and go through the steps again in order to get it to lock... but then like i said, it still crashes.

    Update from Kemper Support, there is a 30 day return policy starting from when I purchased the first (faulty) Kemper Stage. It does not renew or start again from when I get sent a replacement. So it took a week to identify all the problems, a week for them to send me a returns box, probably a week to reach them and then a week to get the replacement back to me. At which point, if the replacement has any faults I can only exchange for another one, not refund for my money back. So I advise everyone if you have faults, do not take an exchange! Refund it! Buy another one, so your 30 days returns policy starts from scratch. Then if you keep getting problems and want your money back, you can.

  • Hi all, quick update on returning your KPA Stage should it prove to be defective.

    Kemper sent me return instructions and agree that my video (of me turning the browse knob a ton of times just to get to the next rig) is definitely very wrong. However the return instructions state the following.

    "please find enclosed the RMA document. Print this out and put one copy inside the box together with the defective device. Then write the RMA number outside on the package. Use your local postal service and send the package to the address printed on the RMA document.
    We reimburse shipment cost of local postal services, if the product is acquired in the Kemper online store and still covered by our manufacturer warranty. In this case please send us a copy of the receipt and your bank account information. We do not cover other services like UPS or DHL express. Insurance
    Please remember to insure the unit against damage by transport. Parcel services offer this type of insurance"

    I'm fairly certain that it's quite a lot of cash to insure it against damage and loss for a unit woth £1500 and I'm not sure who picks up the cost if it gets "lost", so I've contacted my retailer who has offered to have the unit collected and replaced by their courier when they have further stock. Just so you all know that it's probably better to have your retailer deal with returns unless you bought direct from Kemper of course. Hope this is helpful.

  • redcloud did you buy direct from Kemper? Kemper support sent me an email with a refund slip and a FREE POSTAGE label to be stuck on the outside of the box. I dropped it off at my local UPS collection location just now. I have not paid a thing


    I'd advise anyone returning products for a replacement to simply get a refund from where you bought it from (so your 30 day money back refund is still good) Then purchase a new one (direct from kemper is best to avoid any hassle getting parts/replacement units/full refunds)

  • Hi Svenelof, no. I bought my power rack and remote from Kemper direct, but my usual retailer had the stage in stock and next day delivery so I got it from them (impatience Lol) actually I had a gig and really wanted to avoid de-racking my power rack. Kemper were fine either way on the return but I'd rather the retailer dealt with any issues regarding loss/damage so it's sorted. I'm just going to have my retailer thoroughly check the replacement before shipping as best as they can. I'm sure it'll all be ok when these teething troubles are sorted out. I've got faith in Kemper and I hope that I can report all issues sorted in the near future.

  • Hardware issues: The knobs being so loose they fall off is dissapointing, I cant seeing this unit surviving the "stage" if it cant survive the house. With your 3rd stomp not working, it could be a faulty stomp switch? Looks like some units just were not checked right.

    Software issues:

    Anyone know how to spot if you have a test software or proper OS? Mine's screen has frozen. Rig manager has frozen and wont close so i have to restart my computer. Hopefully they fix this white noise headphone output issue. All those are software related it seems. Be good to know if these are from test softwares?

    Crazy to ship these units with such obvious flaws, just worried other things may be lurking that arent as easy to spot right away. To be safe I think I will exchange mine before I over run my returns period (if thats a thing)

    First off, I am toaster user for years now, the software has always been solid, reliable and something I never worried about on stage.

    I bought the stage based on my previous experience because that’s the expectation Kemper has set with me. That said my brand new stage has the following issues:

    - rig manager crashes regularly.

    - rig manager intermittent sync issues, performances in one slot on RM and another on the Stage.

    - random reboots with the Stage unit

    - Stage freezes and displays the kemper screen

    - USB stick doesn’t seem to be able import performances to Stage.

    Whenever a software/hardware vendor has a reputation of being rock solid, anything other than that is a tough pill to swallow. Regardless of whether it’s used in a hospital or to make my guitar sound amazing.

  • Remember Widnows 98 and Blue Screens of Death along the way?

    It's not a medical device anyway. Recently even Boeing released a "brand new product" with buggy software (unfortunately for people on both 737MAX flights).

    Microsoft has become the benchmark for a large chunk of the software industry. That is very unfortunate. Powercycling, rebooting or re-installation should NEVER be accepted as solutions for anything. Just consider a simple thing with a dedicated function such as a file-server; A NetWare server with UPS power back in the day would run for years untouched. Granted, those were pre-internet days without frequent security-fixes to apply, but modern Windows-based servers are despite frequent updates also configured for automated reboots at night at least once or twice a week to remain reasonably stable. The only thing MS may be a benchmark for is getting rich on your customers expense.

  • MyAlterEgoHamish Yeah I think Kemper have really shot themselves in the foot with the Stage launch. Support said they didn't know why knobs were falling off and they wanted my replacement knobs that also didn't work back so they could look in to it. I thought they'd have already begun looking in to that! Haha. Just makes me think there's a whole bunch more units out there waiting to go wrong. Some of my issues didn't come to surface until a week in of use. I'd hate to find these problems came to light after my 30 day money back guarantee.

  • Seems like you could be correct, it’s a real bummer as we’ve all been waiting for the super portable Kemper floor unit only to discover that it possibly isn’t robust enough. I’m sure that we early adopters won’t worry too much regarding software issues, inconvenient as they are. Kemper will sort it as soon as they can I’m sure, but hardware problems are a definite major worry. I personally don’t want anything other than a Kemper on stage with me for many reasons but I have to confess that I’m seriously considering switching platforms for stage use and while I don’t think the Fractal or Line 6 options will be a patch on Kemper I also don’t like the idea of my rig failing mid gig! WORRIED ?

  • I’ve been using the kemper remote live from day one of it being released it must have done well over a thousand gigs. It’s had stuff spilt on it and it still works fine. I know the main kemper guts are in the rack/toaster but there are some electrics in the remote that could go wrong. It’s German engineering and I’m sure the stage will have been built to withstand lots of abuse just like the remote

  • I am not sure I understand the desire for keeping the 30 day refund. I sent my Stage back for replacement and will keep sending back as long as it has problems. It has a three year warranty. If I didn't like the sound of it regardless of problems, I would return it. Kemper has been around a long time and will make any problems with the Stage right. If you don't think the Stage works for you, return it. If you like it and want it to work have Kemper replace it.

  • I’m sure the stage will have been built to withstand lots of abuse just like the remote

    It didn't survive 3 days in my bedroom. Hoping Kemper will be changing the building ways. They've said the foot switch problem has been sorted and changes are on the assembly line now. Just waiting for the rest to be confirmed, they are waiting for my unit to return to investigate the broken knob issues. So unit's being sent out now could potentially still have this broken knob issue.

  • It’s German engineering and I’m sure the stage will have been built to withstand lots of abuse just like the remote

    Has anyone taken the Kemper-stage apart, or is there any documentation for switches being robust enough to handle stage use and abuse over time? Based on previous experience with older gear such as Digitechs RP1000 I'm a sceptic wrt to rotary knobs and soft buttons on floor units. My old RP1000 has the buttons in a recessed section so they are partly protected if someone steps on the unit, but on the Kemper-stage those buttons completely unprotected. In ways I'm on board with the idea of a floor unit, but I would honestly have kept the user-interface off the unit itself if I were to design one. An app on a USB (or Bluetooth) -attached device would IMHO be a much better approach to implement the controls. One could even supply a low-end tablet with the unit if the desire is strong to provide a "complete" solution. That would leave a much more compact and robust floor unit.

    Edited 2 times, last by heldal (August 14, 2019 at 8:31 AM).

  • It didn't survive 3 days in my bedroom. Hoping Kemper will be changing the building ways. They've said the foot switch problem has been sorted and changes are on the assembly line now. Just waiting for the rest to be confirmed, they are waiting for my unit to return to investigate the broken knob issues. So unit's being sent out now could potentially still have this broken knob issue.

    I shipped my Stage back to Germany today and decided to get a refund. It was a cool unit, but I don't feel good paying 1600€ to get a unit, that has both Hardware and Software issues.

    Maybe someday I'll give Kemper a new chance.

    Gear: Kemper Profiler | Neural DSP Plugins
    Guitars: .Strandberg* 

  • It didn't survive 3 days in my bedroom. Hoping Kemper will be changing the building ways. They've said the foot switch problem has been sorted and changes are on the assembly line now. Just waiting for the rest to be confirmed, they are waiting for my unit to return to investigate the broken knob issues. So unit's being sent out now could potentially still have this broken knob issue.

    I think we get your message.

  • Straight out of the box and this is what I find after just checking my unit, before even turning it on. I’m at the office now and a bit worried about this.

    It is quite an investment and this is my first impression of the KPS.....

    Edited once, last by Coverland (September 6, 2019 at 2:47 AM).