Profiler Freezes when Browsing through Profiles

  • This issue only applies to a subset of units with OS 5.5.2 preinstalled. It's no software and no hardware problem. It's a corrupted piece of data. The Rig "MB - Guy Ton V30 B3" is normally fine. Copies of that Rig in Rig Manager, on our download page and even embedded in OS 5.5.2 are ok. Only the preinstalled copy got corrupted.

    Two solutions:

    a. Delete the Rig (deselect Autoload before) and then press Factory Content under 5.5.2 to reimport the Rig.

    b. Upgrade to our current OS 6.0 which you should do anyhow. The upgrade will repair that Rig.

  • In my case it was not related to that rig. But the issue was not frequent, neither. Maybe when I try different "big" reverbs loading the memory and scrolling Rigs quickly. Hard to tell. However, I am trying with the "instant preview" deactivated, seems to be working, so far.

  • My Profiler Stage froze last night twice. Once I was connected to my Mac. The second time I was not connected to my Mac. I was simply trying to copy over Rig 2 Example Rig. I was in performance mode both times. All the lights went off and LCD screen just said Kemper Profiler. I was able to keep playing on the tone I had going but not able to change anything. Power button didn't work for shut down. I just unplugged it and rebooted. This is my first go around with a Kemper, so I am learning how to program it. I am sure I'll find out what make them freeze or they may need to do a simple firmware update in the future.

  • I've been reading forum nite and day and now see how many glitches pop up and lots of troubles going on out there, I'm praying I dont have these problems..

    Scott B Welcome to the forum. Nice to hear that you'll get a replacement of your faulty unit. I would not say "lots" of problems in the forum, though. That's relative. In fact, you'll see in the forum numbers published, that around 5% of total posts account to issues/troubleshooting threads and not necessarily caused by the KPA. But, be aware about your expectation. This world is ~90% made of software, so you know that every piece of software outhere needs updates to solve known issues or bring new features. Same here, just like computers and apps. The good news with KP is that updates and new features are free or charge, same hardware.

    In my case, as other users, I've decided to install beta versions and test new KP features before they are released, so I am aware that things may happen. If you stick to official versions you should be ok.

    I hope that your new KP works as you expect. With the profiles samples in your unit + the free stuff in Rig Manager and the top notch commercial profilers outthere, it is very likely that you'll find the tone in your head and then you'll want more. You have the forum and the user manual ofr everything else. Enjoy!

  • Also my Kemper Stage did sometimes freezing and the screen just say Kemper Profiler.

    This happens mostly when browsing through the rigs, but also when doing other stuff,

    And today it happens during playing. The sound ist still working, but all lights switched off and no reaction to any button or knobs.

    KPS is not connected to a computer.

    Is there a way to provide a dump or analysis files to Kemper support?


  • Kemper owner for about a month. I’m running OS 7.0.1. I’m experiencing the same issue here with or without being connected to Rig Manager. I also replaced the power cable. It’s to the point I’m hesitant to use the unit live. Is there a specific support ticket page or is it the regular contact form selecting support issue? I also had an issue and the on-screen told me to take a photo of error message and send it but don’t see an attachment option.

  • Exactly same here - It has not happened many times, and so far has not happened when I just play and occasionally switch performance slot,but this needs to be fixed, otherwise I can not depend on this to use it live !

    I contacted Kemper US, they told me to load the newest software version 7.2 - what ? there is no such firmware !

    Anybody has 7.2 ?

  • Exactly same here - It has not happened many times, and so far has not happened when I just play and occasionally switch performance slot,but this needs to be fixed, otherwise I can not depend on this to use it live !

    I contacted Kemper US, they told me to load the newest software version 7.2 - what ? there is no such firmware !

    Anybody has 7.2 ?

    No, 7.0.1 is the current one.

  • Right, I replied to support about that, but since then no response.

    I hope, that the freezing is software issue, that can be fixed with new firmware.

    I sent them another email - this time also with my stage's serial number.

    Other than that, I have not had other issues with it.

  • Similar issue here with my new Stage - freezing with only the "Kemper Profiler" screen. Happened twice so far - not building a lot of trust in using the Stage on stage...

    Happened while simply playing the Stage in performance mode, selecting performances and slots via a MIDI program changes. Stage was plugged in to the computer via USB, but Rig Manager wasn't running. OS 7.0.7 installed.

    I'll give it a thorough shake these coming days without a PC connection, see if I can provoke the issue and narrow down the specific circumstances....

  • Mine freezes if I use preset up down on my remote too quickly. It causes the remote to reboot and locks the KPA from doing anything, including turning off via the main switch. If I power cycle the unit via removing power(pull plug or shut off power strip-> UPS) it comes back normal.

    I haven't used my remote for over a year due to the KPA being on my studio desk, so this is news to me. Don't know how long it's been like this.

  • Having the same issue. get the weird 'take a picture of this message' error, and have to press exit to reboot. happens everytime i scroll through rigs. not sure how to turn off the 'instant preview' function. Have two power racks, both brand new, both have this same issue. running latest OS 7.0.9 15094.

    Logged a ticket, but did not see a way to attach the pictures i took of the error message. super frustrating that gear that been around this long, and costs this much has bugs on such a basic function that sits at the center of why the gear exists in the first browse and switch rigs.

    Anyone get any updates on how to fix, or when/if Kemper will address? many thanks.