My Kemper/Amp comparison Part 2

  • I put this clip together to demonstrate a comparison between the captured profile of my live rig and the actual tone using an SM57, an MI Audio Crunch Box and a Marshall JCM2000 TSL.

    I posted this before (with two Soundcloud clips) but I think that switching between the two sources in a single clip is a much better way of demoing the differences (if any).

    I’ve been using this rig for a number of years and always wanted to capture it’s tone and character. The Kemper does a great job!

    I've split the clip into 10 second sections where I switched between the amp and the Kemper. The clip starts off with the amp. The Kemper was recorded directly into the DAW.


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  • Yes, interesting. I wouldn't have noticed any difference at all if I hadn't been listening for it, even then I didn't hear any difference the first run through. But listening more closely the second time, I agree with Bryan Daste, I hear it too, the real amp very slightly darker tone, and the kemper has a bit more air in the treble, but really it's almost negligible.

    Sterling Musicman JP150, Fender USA Strat
    Kemper Powerhead & Remote > ElectroVoice ZLX12-P | Palmer 1x12 Cab(G12M) | Sennheiser HD558
    Audient iD14 > Reaper

  • Nice work!

    I hear the same thing with every comparison. The tube amps seem to have less top end.

    I noticed the same thing when I swapped back and forth between my Bogner and the KPA profile of the same amp and settings (plugged into the speakers of the Bogner).

  • Nice work!

    I hear the same thing with every comparison. The tube amps seem to have less top end.

    I noticed the same thing when I swapped back and forth between my Bogner and the KPA profile of the same amp and settings (plugged into the speakers of the Bogner).

    That is interesting. I'm going to put together another small video clip of my Megalith Delta Hi Gain profile. Lets see if it has the same tendency to be brighter.

  • I like the real amp slightly better on my monitors. The Kemper has an ever so slightly harsh midrange. Don't hear the topend differences described here as much. That amp actually sounds great - and is nicely recorded.

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • I like the real amp slightly better on my monitors. The Kemper has an ever so slightly harsh midrange. Don't hear the topend differences described here as much. That amp actually sounds great - and is nicely recorded.

    Thanks for the comments. The crunch is actually from the Crunch Box as the amp was set completely clean.

  • Add any background sound at all, TV, neighbor mowing the yard, patrons in a bar (you get the idea) and they'd sound exactly the same. I'm not sure the only reason I heard a difference at all was because there was a visual cue isn't the case.

    Just a guy who plays a little bit of guitar.

  • Add any background sound at all, TV, neighbor mowing the yard, patrons in a bar (you get the idea) and they'd sound exactly the same. I'm not sure the only reason I heard a difference at all was because there was a visual cue isn't the case.

    That's why I decided to switch between the two sources in this video. When I initially posted this I posted the two Soundcloud clips individually and it was virtually impossible to distinguish the one from the other.

    I'm completely blown away by just how close the profile is to the real amp/pedal combination. It even feels the same compared to the amp.

    Something else I noticed is how well the profile reacts when slightly increasing or decreasing the gain on the Kemper. It reacts beautifully! The extra gain in conjunction with the neck pick up of a Les Paul makes this profile sing like crazy.

  • Pretty close. If we're being deliberate, the Kemper has the usual "TS" mid hump going on that is more apparent when you hit the open A. The amp is less focused in that area so it feels fuller/smoother and not quite as harsh, but it's still quite close.

  • Pretty close. If we're being deliberate, the Kemper has the usual "TS" mid hump going on that is more apparent when you hit the open A. The amp is less focused in that area so it feels fuller/smoother and not quite as harsh, but it's still quite close.

    Interesting that you say the Kemper has the usual TS mid hump. I've just finished recording a new profile and I've found virtually no difference between the two. I honestly don't hear the "mid hump" in the new comparison.