Kemper & TC Mimiq

  • I've taken the plunge and have a TC Electronic Mimiq doubler arriving today...!

    I'm hoping it'll help thicken up and expand the sound when I'm playing gigs, as I run stereo to 2 x Headrush 112 FrFr speakers either side of the drummer as backline; plus, I'm the only guitarist....

    Anyone else got one with the Kemper? Any particular settings I should be aware of?

  • Yes, we have one basically permanently hooked up in the X slot stereo loop. Works really well and it is very noticeable. We have it set to 1 Dub, both Effect and Dry cranked and the Tightness you'll hear how much you like.

    The one thing is that the slight "jitter" that it adds to the 2nd guitar dub can be a little bit annoying when you want to keep a fast rhythm. We just bypass it during those times.

  • Thanks! Just so I'm clear - it's the Direct Output (set to 'Master Stereo') via a TRS jack to the STEREO input of the Mimiq...?

    And then stereo outs into the Alternative Input and Return Input?

    You'd want to use the stereo loop for the Mimiq instead. Connections just like you said.

    I did a video sometime ago with the Mimiq in the loop

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  • "Direct Out" signal is mono. ie one channel

    From the 5.5 version of the user manual:


    This carries the direct output signal in glorious mono. The main purpose for this output is to feed signals into the reference amp during PROFILINGTM. This is not its only purpose, however: you can also use the DIRECT OUTPUT/SEND in combination with the RETURN INPUT to create an effects loop. In this case, the DIRECT OUTPUT/SEND becomes a mono send. If you're not using this output as part of an effects loop, it will normally carry the original guitar signal. So, if you want to record your guitar dry, either connect the DIRECT OUTPUT to the recording device, or to the input of your audio interface.

    You can use it as one channel of a stereo pair: -

    From the v 6.0 addendum:

    Monitor Output Stereo

    You can also drive guitar cabinets in stereo via an external solid-state power amp. For this application, activate “Monitor Stereo” so that Monitor Output and Direct Output become one pair of stereo outputs. All settings of the Monitor Output, e.g. “Monitor Cab. Off”, are now automatically applied to both outputs.

    Stereo setup

  • Hmmm... when I enable 'Monitor Stereo' and use the Direct Out and Monitor Out into the Mimiq, I get an error in the FX Loop black - states Effect Loop not possible! Monitor Stereo is active.

    If I disable Monitor STereo and have the DIrect Out connected to the Mono Input on the Mimiq, it works.

    What am I doing wrong here?

    Loop Stereo block in the MOD slot, set to 100% mix.

  • You can't use 'monitor stereo', if you want to use a fx loop as both use the direct out (send) of the Kemper.

    The stereo fx loop is a mono send, stereo return loop. Use a stereo loop in x slot, connect the direct out (send) of the Kemper to the input of the Mimiq and the two outputs of the Mimiq to return and alternative input of the Kemper.

    Got it, cheers - so I've set it up correctly :)

    Next issue I have is that if my EQ block is before the FX loop (i.e. in the X slot) and the Stereo FX loop is in the MOD slot, the EQ doesn't get applied. If I put the EQ block AFTER the Stereo Loop (i.e. Stereo Loop in X slot, EQ in MOD slot) it DOES get applied.

    Getting a huge volume drop as well, but I can probably sort that with the FX Loop Volume parameter.

  • Next issue I have is that if my EQ block is before the FX loop (i.e. in the X slot) and the Stereo FX loop is in the MOD slot, the EQ doesn't get applied. If I put the EQ block AFTER the Stereo Loop (i.e. Stereo Loop in X slot, EQ in MOD slot) it DOES get applied.

    That doesn't happen on my Kemper. Try verifying it with some radical eq settings (i.e. the eq telephone preset). Have you set the output that you listen to (main or monitor or headphone out) to master stereo/mono?

  • That doesn't happen on my Kemper. Try verifying it with some radical eq settings (i.e. the eq telephone preset). Have you set the output that you listen to (main or monitor or headphone out) to master stereo/mono?

    Yep, listening via headphones, set to Master Stereo. Still getting the same effect even with radical EQ settings.

  • I'm afraid I can't solve this :/

    - Does the eq in x slot get applied if you turn off fx loop in mod slot?

    - Does your output menu look like this? (direct output greyed out and set to off saying 'used for effect loop')

    I've figured it out...!

    After messing around with using the direct out and monitor out together, I'd accidentally left it so that the monitor out was going to the Mimiq, instead of the Direct Out.

    When I changed it to Direct Out instead of Monitor Out, it's back to normal (on both the EQ issue and the volume issue).

    Is it better to have the EQ before or after the stereo loop.

  • Yep, pretty sure it's stereo:

    - Kemper send to mono in of Mimiq

    - Stereo returns to Kemper

    - Stereo loop block in X slot (or mod slot)

    Yes, but when you connect both your RedSound cabs, is the monitor out set to Master L and the direct out to Master R?

    Or if you connect them to the Main Outputs are the they set to Master stereo?