I play a lot of gigs where I play acoustic and lead guitar , but I want to know if there is a way to turn the power amp section on and off when switching back and forth between profiles?

How to switch power amp on and off with controller.
christophervaughn -
May 10, 2019 at 12:58 AM -
Thread is Resolved
If you want to use the KPA for both electric and acoustic sounds (and send both to FOH via the Main Outputs), but do not want the acoustic sounds to be heard in the onstage guitar cabinet:
Assign an Expression pedal to the Monitor Volume.
If that is not an accurate description of what you are trying to achieve, please provide more details about your set up.
I that could work that’s a good option thanks , just was curious ignore I could turn it of just by selecting a different profile though. But yeah your option is a good one thanks .
Anyway to assign speaker out to the volume pedal or other button on the remote?
I have monitor out to a friedman for Guitar and speaker out to a Bass Cab for Bass. Would be great to kill the speaker volume or power amp off with a simple button push on the remote or volume pedal.
you can control the level of the speaker output by assigning an expression pedal to control the monitor output level.