Jeega DI profiles

  • I opened this thread to present my creations made with Kemper's DI.

    The aim is for these profiles to sound good on traditional guitar cab. Usually I use 2x12 w/different speakers, currently with Kemper I am very happy with this open back Vox loaded with a Mesa Black Shadow C90 and a Vox by Wharfedale GSH1230-8. Usually I use the profiles excluding the cabinet with the appropriate button and with a few tricks they sound very real both as a response to the touch and as a sound.

    I currently have several tube heads, I started profiling a Bugera G5 Infinium to practice and I created two profiles that I uploaded to Rig Exchange (user: Jeega). The next heads will be Brunetti Pirata 141 Valvemix (Modena, Italy) and a BRBS 100 Super Custom Overdrive by Sebastiano Barbirato (Ferrara, Italy), two craftsmen who create really beautiful amplifiers. In addition to some more widespread heads like Marshall JCM 2000 DSL 100 etc …

    I'll try to profile friends' amps too, I'm already thinking about a friend's Splawn… I have created a Dropbox folder which I provide the link below and which will be updated whenever possible by inserting the folder, some notes (... if changes have been made to the circuit, type of tubes …) and possibly the amplifier's pic.

    Excuse me always for my English but I use the Google translator. Ciao! Jeega, Italy.

    DROPBOX LINK :…_GpJ03nhda?dl=0