MeloAudio MIDI Controller

  • this is how I use mine :)

    I’ve set the KPA to 4 slots per performance then have a clean, crunch, rhythm & lead channels.

    The top four switches are then used for distortion (B), pre-amp Modulation (C), post amp Modulation (Mod) and Delay.

    It works well for this type of application.

    I can't get the cust1 or cust2 to go above 9 banks. Honestly I'd be happier without any banks and being able to just send a performance slot change and a stomp change, but it seems that's not possible.

  • I think I'm just going to return this and get a simple 4 button momentary pedal instead. If I can only have 9 or even 24 performance slots, and must select the performance via a bank button, then this isn't that useful to me. A 4 button pedal instead to cover stomps will be fine, and half the price.

  • Yeah this does only have 9 banks of 4 if you use it in custom mode. If you use a lot of patches then this will be no good. You could use it as an 8 button footswitch though and have control over stomps A-D on the bottom and X-Reverb on the top?

    At home I tend to live in browser mode and use Rig Manager a lot. The KPA sits on a desk next to my PC mouse so tweaking is easy. When I’m practicing for a gig I’ll use the foot controller, but the less stomps I have to make the better - so having control over 9 amps and 4 stomps on each is plenty for me ?

  • Well, you´ve got me thinking about it again and yes; I have one again but now, I have an issue with the EXP-Connections!

    I´ve modded my broken Cry Baby: I´ve replaced the Pot with a log-taper and added a switch to the toe position.

    On EXP1, I´ve programmed #CC1 (Wah to volume) - This works flawless!

    On EXP2, I´ve programmed #CC17 (Stomp A) where I´ve placed the wah.

    Funny thing is: Turning CC17 on works fine! Activates my wah and can be controlled by the pedal. Pressing EXP2/CC17 again, nothing happens. Wah stays activated.

    In the Display of the Midi Commander, the status bar changes fron on to off, but it won´t transmit to the Kemper....

    Any thoughts?!

    EDIT: I´ve updated that thäng and now, it works flawless!!! woohoooo:!:

    Edited once, last by frama78 (October 9, 2019 at 6:48 PM).

  • Reviving this thread rather than starting a new one. Is anyone using this with an expression pedal for a whammy effect 0-Plus24? Does it track up precisely 2 octaves? I saw a video where it stopped at value 125 thus not reaching the full 2 octaves up effect. My expression pedal is a Dunlop DVP-4 if that is needed into. Thanks.