I'm still experimenting a lot with Kemper and my favourite analog pedals such as a Tube Driver and a Sovtek Muff which I put in the front Input. For this example I'm playing with a free profile of the rig manager, it's an hiwatt clean from an author called "e". I like verymuch this profile. Now, If I play the profile itself (I use a strat with emg active pickups) the levels are fine, no yellow or red lights in input and output section (even if I play hard). If I engage a pedal in front and I start raising its output level, I see that instead of getting a saturation of the input, I have a big increase of the overall volume. If I turn that level all the way up, the overall volume is insane and the output is clipping. I've also made several "init global" but the result is the same. So the question is: why it is clipping the output and not the input? Same result with all the profiles I have in my collection. I really don't understand, can you help me?