An old E.P revisited with the help of my Kemper :)

  • Way back in 2009 my then band recorded an E.P, was sadly very much the case of "all the gear, no idea" on my part as I set about recording us all, which resulted in a recording that only really sounded any good as a demo track. The band split up later that year, I sold on my recording gear and forgot about it all for a while.

    Over the years, I've revisited the tracks and tinkered (normally corresponding with a new non-guitar purchase) to no avail, but this year I've finally spent some time actually learning how to use Logic X, re-recording the guitar parts (Kemper, of course! - two of the bass lines too), fixing / replacing the drum parts etc.. I've now got 3 of the 4 tracks done (4th should be ready May time, the original bass player is re-doing his part for me).

    For no reason other than I thought it'd be cool to get them on Spotify / Apple Music / iTunes etc.. they are now on all the streaming sites :)

    Let me know what you think :)