SDIF working in DAW, but no direct monitoring?

  • I just got my new audio interface Tascam US-144 MK II and got it recording in Reaper.

    I can get direct monitor WHEN I'm in Reaper and select the track that is my guitar and click on "direct monitor" and then I can hear myself play.

    But when I was using analog input, I can just play without doing this step and the guitar would play through my audio interface/desktop monitors/headphones.

    Is this possible with SPDIF and my interface?



    For the future time traveler:

    The Tascam US-144 MK II control panel (that should have come installed with the drivers) should be set as follows:

    - ch1 and ch2 -> analog inputs

    - ch3 and ch4 -> digital inputs

    - LINE OUTPUTS -> ch1 and ch2

    - DIGITAL OUTPUTS -> ch3 and ch4

    Reaper Audio device settings:

    - Enable inputs

    - first: 3 digital in L

    - last: 4 digital in R

    - Output range

    - first: 1 analog out L

    - last: 2 analog out R

    Now i get audio from youtube and from reaper (havent tried at the same time). I still haven't figured out a way to direct monitor without going into reaper and enabling direct monitor on the armed for recorded track, but im so over this dasd;hgjlkhgjkas hkgjs hblkf