Still got an amp and trying to decide on a reactive load for it?

  • This is a shootout I did between a Suhr Reactive Load and a Fryette Power Station.

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    According to me, both products are winners.

    The first track is the Reactive Load on the left and Fryette on the right in a stereo recording.

    The second starts with the RL then goes to the PS, then back to the RL, then to the PS and so on.

    The third clip is the PS first, then the RL, then the PS, and so on.

    Just wanted to show that the differences you think you hear are more often than not a placebo.


  • They sound the same to me.

    That's exactly what I thought! Just a slightly different voicing, both will work really well if you want to record a real amp or use it live with IRs.

    In that regard, profiling an amp running through a reactive load and a blend of IRs can be really rewarding if you want to craft your own tones. Much easier than micing up a cabinet.

    Plus, you may also get some really good cabinets out of blending a Diezel with a Mesa Oversized or whatever.