Rig Manager 3.0 Editor

  • In my case, I much prefer turning physical knobs and pushing buttons to playing with a mouse. Therefore, the editor isn't actually of much interest to me in the conventional sense. However, the genius of the current demo version is that you can turn the physical knobs on the KPA and have them instantly change values on the editor. That sounds like something useable to me! Effectively the editor just becomes a massive screen for seeing the impact of any knob movements in context of the bigger Rig picture.


    I also play synths: lots of software synths and some hardware analog synths. I ALWAYS prefer working with the hardware synths, not only because of their analog sound, but mainly because I like the immediate interaction with the instrument. Turning the cutoff of the filter with my mouse just doesn't give me that feeling of connection with the instrument.

    This "connection / interaction" was actually why I got the Kemper. Sound wise, I was pretty much happy with using Scuffham S-Gear. But I just couldn't feel this interaction, it somehow always felt fake. Dunno if that makes any sense...

    The only added value I see in using an editor rather than the actual hardware (for synths that is), is the visual representation of the parameters I'm changing (ie Cutoff, Resonance, the way the LFO's affect the other parameters). This can be quite nice, but it's not really something that is comparable to a guitar amp.

    Personally, the only reason I would start using the editor is if there's an added value in terms of graphical representation. But I honestly don't know how you can do that for a guitar amp and effects... If you look at the most well known guitar plugins out there, it's just a physical representation of an amp. Turning software knobs instead of hardware knobs? No thank you! I have an awesome piece of hardware with quality knobs and buttons. I'll choose my green box every time!

    I'm much more interested in the preset management system on the Kemper itself ;)

  • What do you suggest instead?

    I would like the use of typing in a number and /or using the up/down arrows and combinations of that ( though I realize some keyboards have removed the numeric keypad area but you can buy USB ones).

    I also wonder if it would be possible to map controllers to functions? Many keyboards and control surface pads have knobs you can assign.

  • I also play synths: lots of software synths and some hardware analog synths. I ALWAYS prefer working with the hardware synths, not only because of their analog sound, but mainly because I like the immediate interaction with the instrument. Turning the cutoff of the filter with my mouse just doesn't give me that feeling of connection with the instrument.

    Check out Spectrasonics Omnisphere. It is an amazingly capable soft synth. As of version 2.6 it has hardware integration with over 60 synths. From modern synths like the Prophet X to analog classics like the Roland Juno 106, turn a know on the synth and Omnisphere's parameter changes to reflect the parameter change you just made.

    Each of the 60+ synths have a profile that maps the hardware synth's knobs, buttons, etc. to the same parameter in Omnisphere.

  • Any chance of putting the 'LOCK' buttons on each editor page.:)

    One of the most important things to me is, having a 'LOCK' buttons on each page. I know a rig is supposed to be amp+cab, but I have a small set of preferred cabs, and stomps and effects, and just find different amps to fit.

    This is the main thing I use the ToastMe editor for. A quick visual indication of what is locked (& a quick way to clear them) is very useful!

  • Check out Spectrasonics Omnisphere. It is an amazingly capable soft synth. As of version 2.6 it has hardware integration with over 60 synths. From modern synths like the Prophet X to analog classics like the Roland Juno 106, turn a know on the synth and Omnisphere's parameter changes to reflect the parameter change you just made.

    Each of the 60+ synths have a profile that maps the hardware synth's knobs, buttons, etc. to the same parameter in Omnisphere.

    Omnisphere is on my "to buy" list ;)

    Sadly though, my cash level is quite low at the moment because of buying the Kemper. But I hope I'll be able to get it within the next months.

    It really sounds great.

  • While I’m not a huge fan of rotary UIs, personally I would avoid MMB scroll on just hover without a selection/click first as a solution for three simple reasons.

    The first is that it’s easy to accidentally click or scroll while manipulating the mouse just moving it around the interface, and if that happens it’s a total pain to determine exactly what got changed and where and depending on the number of undos you have and what changed you may not be able to revert.

    The second is that it’s a hidden behavior that’s non standard and not necessarily clear, there’s no visual mechanism that says “mmb me!”.

    The final reason is that scroll instructions are very imprecise. You may have noticed that your browser reads a single click as a set number of lines with perhaps some form of acceleration. Scroll adjustment of floating point values is just horrible in use, either far too fast or far too slow to be of any use.

    Don’t forget there’s also the numeric text input area under the dials that can be utilized, and there could be preferences for interaction with the rotaries or even to switch over to just text only or traditional sliders for those that prefer it. While I prefer non rotary interactions with a mouse I don’t really view it as that huge of an issue, but we’ll have to wait and see how it feels in person.

  • I would avoid MMB scroll on just hover without a selection/click first as a solution for three simple reasons.

    I hear you on this ones , but an option menu with tick boxes to select editing mode in the editor options once for all ( simple hover or hover + click ) could satisfy everyone .

    About imprecision , Shift + MMB combination should solve this issue by going to a much slower rotation and double click to edit values.

  • Any chance of putting the 'LOCK' buttons on each editor page.:)

    One of the most important things to me is, having a 'LOCK' buttons on each page. I know a rig is supposed to be amp+cab, but I have a small set of preferred cabs, and stomps and effects, and just find different amps to fit.

    Good idea. Maybe able to right-click on any of the graphics and choose "Lock".

  • And yes , The ' reverse lock ' feature from ToastMe looks really fantastic, that would be great to have this feature too :)

  • How about for the rotary knobs in the editor:

    When you click on a knob, a translucent fader appears above or maybe even over the knob. Keeping the button clicked, move the mouse upward to turn the knob upward, which also has the effect of moving the fader up. Move the mouse down with the button clicked and the fader moves down, while the knob also turns anti-clockwise. Let go of the mouse button when you no longer want to manipulate the knob. When you stop holding the button, the translucent fader disappears.