Great work! Could this be a new Rig Manager WITH integrated editing?
NAMM 2019
397f7c95538961c9090da40b2b0b6e229b278069 -
January 4, 2019 at 6:37 AM -
Closed -
Thread is Resolved
Great work! Could this be a new Rig Manager WITH integrated editing?
Looks that way. Good job we have spies on the floor.
...and my head just exploded. ??
Looks delicious. I want to eat it now...
yes please.
Fantastic news
Confused? If the Kemper Kone is meant to impart imprints of real speaker types, which then go into an FRFR cab, or more specifically this new Kemper 1x12 FRFR, doesn't the old fashioned method of picking a different cab sim within the profile already accomplish this? Will be cool to hear the run down of what Kemper Kone actually is. Now, perhaps it accomplishes some sort of amp in the room thing?
Wait... that has 8 effects slots???
Great work! Could this be a new Rig Manager WITH integrated editing?
Rumor has it, the editor is only for Linux systems
I'll see myself out.
doesn't the old fashioned method of picking a different cab sim within the profile already accomplish this?
I guess this new thing does the simulation without the mic part, trying to recreate an amp in the room sound (ala Line6 powercab).
Wait... that has 8 effects slots???
As does your Kemper, 4 before the amp and 4 after.
I’m guessing that those new Kemper 1x12 cabinets have some sort of neutral-ish driver in them, and there’ll be a new Kemper Kone setting in the Output section, for use exclusively with the Kemper cabinet, which can “lay” imprints of other speaker types on top of the real speaker in the Kemper cabinet. Kind of like the Fishman Aura system or the Slate VMS.
That's what it looks like. That is CRAZY cool if it works as not-yet-advertised-but-hoped!
Confused? If the Kemper Kone is meant to impart imprints of real speaker types, which then go into an FRFR cab, or more specifically this new Kemper 1x12 FRFR, doesn't the old fashioned method of picking a different cab sim within the profile already accomplish this? Will be cool to hear the run down of what Kemper Kone actually is. Now, perhaps it accomplishes some sort of amp in the room thing?
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking - no mic to colour the sound. That would be just fantastic!
Confused? If the Kemper Kone is meant to impart imprints of real speaker types, which then go into an FRFR cab, or more specifically this new Kemper 1x12 FRFR, doesn't the old fashioned method of picking a different cab sim within the profile already accomplish this? Will be cool to hear the run down of what Kemper Kone actually is. Now, perhaps it accomplishes some sort of amp in the room thing?
Celestion has a new 12" flat response speaker, perhaps that is what's inside the new Kemper cab. As someone that can't give up my real cabs, I'm intrigued.
Man this is awesome
As does your Kemper, 4 before the amp and 4 after.
Hahaha, you’re right. I’m traveling and for some reason was thinking 3 per side...
I'd be happy to test the Beta version now if you need me………..
The kemper gang does it again. Looking forward to hearing more about the cab and editor!!!
oh wow, how cool is that