The best 5 minutes of your time! Grind EP

  • Please enjoy! This is my band mechanevil

    Songs are:

    Fie/Arms for the Poor

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    Look what you did to me

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    A quick one now that they're all dead

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  • Ahh yes, the ol' infamous Geert assault. :D:rolleyes::thumbdown:

    Tell me, AJ, how many animals did you have to kill simultaneously in order to get that brutal sound? Perhaps more-to-the-point, how the heck did you mic 'em up and sum all those channels? I'm guessing you had to hire in a massive mic locker and huge mixing desk. :evil:<3

    Thanks for sharing, bud.

  • Ahh yes, the ol' infamous Geert assault. :D:rolleyes::thumbdown:

    Tell me, AJ, how many animals did you have to kill simultaneously in order to get that brutal sound? Perhaps more-to-the-point, how the heck did you mic 'em up and sum all those channels? I'm guessing you had to hire in a massive mic locker and huge mixing desk. :evil:<3

    Thanks for sharing, bud.

    Other than one track, they're all with the Kemper, Nicky! I wish I could go vegetarian though, too much suffering of animals on my account. Heck, I even started eating beef at the wrong time in the world environment.

    Great! Not quite Anaal Nathrakh levels of brutality but close.

    The first song is clipping badly. (Maybe this was on purpose?)

    Thanks, man. I didn't realise the clip was clipping. I had brickwall limited it, but didn't notice any clipping. Silly me.

    Yeah hard core vibes , I feel like a 90's era skater ;)

    I wish I could surf or skateboard! I used to have a banana board at one point of time, but I got bored of it too easily!

  • I always enjoyed them before and i will continue too!! Fugging great AJ. You going to play with different mixes of the songs? I would just to see you never know.

    If it sounds like you (which it does)..Then..

    To me it does not matter what critics think.

    If you can sound original you have already won.


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • An Audio Crime Scene!8)

    Hahaha, that's a good one, man! Made me laugh, thanks!

    I always enjoyed them before and i will continue too!! Fugging great AJ. You going to play with different mixes of the songs? I would just to see you never know.

    If it sounds like you (which it does)..Then..

    To me it does not matter what critics think.

    If you can sound original you have already won.


    Sage words, Brother Ash! Thanks a tonne!

    These "releases" I keep making are basically my middle finger to the recording industry. Screw the dudes in corporate suits.

    Thanks to the grace of my Master, I make enough money to not worry about whether I'll be able to feed myself unlike the guys who do this full time.

    I have a biggie coming up, the album that I've been working on for 10 years. I hope to drop it by March-June, if life doesn't get in the way. My main concern is getting a really competent results with my limited means.

    You guys have probably heard these, but at the same time, you wouldn't have heard them the same way! I was really kicked when Fortin Amps liked one of them 8)

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    The vocals are going to really get you, man! I promise you that!

  • Bonus doom track with this release. We tried to get Ozzy to sing on this, but he just pointed at us and stared. True story, bros.

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    On a cold winter’s night

    I took my baby for a ride

    Picked her up just past midnight

    We drove to a lonely hill

    The moon was bright, the air was still

    Unholy light upon the dale

    The moment comes

    I’d planned ahead

    This bloody night

    Would be her end

    A shallow grave

    No marker there

    By first light

    I’d leave no trail

    But what’s this?

    I think she knows my tricks

    She’s got a tiny gun

    Clenched in her first

    How could I have known this?

    I’d told nobody else

    My darling Violetta

    Will set me up instead

    On a cold winter’s night

    By the light of the moon

    I’d begun to sing a different tune

    No priest to read

    My last rites

    I’ll go to sleep

    never to rise

    A cold dirt bed

    To sheathe my corpse

    No flowers to mourn

    Where my head rests last

    Gone from this earth

    My pockets bare

    Murder by moonlight

    Life isn’t fair

    I curse this day

    I curse her name

    Would have done the same

    Such a devious babe

    We could have had some fun

    We could have had it all

    But now I’ve come undone

    Murdered in the moonlight

    My story ends

    With her lover’s laugh

    I tried and failed

    Murdered by moonlight

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    Thanks, schreckmusic

    ashtweth you were wondering about remixing some of the songs. Check this one out. I'm thinking I'll issue all these tracks as a kind of side B to the recording I'm doing. Should be fun.

    Look, Ma! No record label!