Poll: Ethics of profiling using Impulse Responses

  • There is a massive language barrier here, all as i got from the last pages was that its okay to use the IR's if you are a Monkey. Well i am not using them then, its impossible to get a Monkey to do what you want him to do all the time.


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • Too funny, guys. :D

    I'll tell you what, 'though - I bowed out of this debate a while back 'cause my head started to hurt. I'm a logical simian, but man, nightlight and Michael_dk et al seem to thrive where my brain would otherwise go into complete and utter meltdown. :wacko:

    FWIW, I think it's great that G String chimed in. You can't buy that stuff. Long live Kemper. 8o

  • Now wait a minute, Nightlight, mister Ethic ... . I paid 3K to buy a Kemper and I am willing to try anything and hear AND USE anything that sounds good Whether it is paid stuff , (I buy rigs every week) or exchange on this community or IR or my own profiles I created or profiles I bought and transformed. I dont wanna be bothered by anyone about ethic, my ethic is the $3000 I paid to get the basic stuff and I continue to invest cash to buy things around it, profiles pedal, remote, cab etc. So dont bother me with ethic , I pay for that I use it the way I want . PERIOD

    No one is contending that you cannot use the Kemper as you'd like.

    The question was whether it was ethical to share profiles created using IRs, especially commercial ones.

    For the record, your broken English comes across as extremely rude. It's not just on this thread, but on others. You can get away with it for some time, but as I and others have noticed, the excuse of poor language skills does not disguise the fact that you seem to enjoy deliberately being impolite.

    We are quite friendly on this forum, and there really is no need for being discourteous like you were with Wheresthedug or even by calling me "Mr Ethic" (if that's not a not so subtle dig, I don't know what is).

  • I must say it's a sad state of affairs for this board to see the OP title and the many responses.

    Surely there are better things to focus on as this topic and it's unfolding is nothing short of insulting and juvenile.

    Go practice...…………….. you'll yield a better 'ethical' outcome this way.

  • I must say it's a sad state of affairs for this board to see the OP title and the many responses.

    Surely there are better things to focus on as this topic and it's unfolding is nothing short of insulting and juvenile.

    Go practice...…………….. you'll yield a better 'ethical' outcome this way.

    All in all the topic itself shows that Kemper users generally are mature and considerate, and talking about ethics in this context is fine, don’t you think?

    Sadly the conversation has taken an unpleasant turn.

  • All in all the topic itself shows that Kemper users generally are mature and considerate, and talking about ethics in this context is fine, don’t you think?

    Sadly the conversation has taken an unpleasant turn.

    Hello Ingolf - I can't agree.

    The KPA is a profiler that must use IR's, as we ALL know, so why this question exists on this board is?

    If any question is raised in this regard why have a Kemper in the first place or even be on this board.

    It's not my place to Mod this board of course but I had to chime in as I could not believe my eyes.

    There are many more things these people could do with their time instead of questioning/imposing 'their' sense of morality on others.

    Am I being hypocritical with my above statement? You bet I am and it stands.....!

  • Man_With_Gas, if I understand the conversation correctly it was about using 3rd party IR's in the process of making new profiles or Kemper cabs.

    As this could be a precedence (because obviously some 3rd party vendors are not OK with their IR's being used like this) I found dealing with this topic and its ethical implications quite interesting (although I prefer to go'n' play my guitar myself). ;)

  • I should think being called Mr Ethics is rather a compliment!

    (Whether intentionally appplied that way or not!)

    Couldn't agree more! :thumbup:

    And if he was hanging out with my friends, I can assure you that would be his name from here on out. In a good natured way, of course. I mean, why should I be the only one they have fun with? :P

    Wear it as a badge of honor, @nightlight!

    All in all the topic itself shows that Kemper users generally are mature and considerate

    I've really been enjoying my time on the forums for exactly this reason. Lots of nice folks here, not only helpful when needed but also just fun to talk with for the sake of conversation.

    I'm also impressed that people would want to discuss the various ethical implications in the first place. It's a given that you're not going to get a roomful of people from cultures across the globe to reach a 100% consensus on anything, but it's still pretty cool to hear everyone's thoughts. I don't have to agree with every perspective in order to enjoy the intellectual exercise. :)

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

    Edited once, last by Chris Duncan (December 20, 2018 at 8:42 PM).

  • Man_With_Gas, if I understand the conversation correctly it was about using 3rd party IR's in the process of making new profiles or Kemper cabs.

    As this could be a precedence (because obviously some 3rd party vendors are not OK with their IR's being used like this) I found dealing with this topic and its ethical implications quite interesting (although I prefer to go'n' play my guitar myself). ;)

    I again hear you Ingolf and I can appreciate your view/opinion but from my chair the entire concern is moot. In 'general practical' terms how else could these IR's be used/applied by a 'general' guitarist.

    To be clear, I don't have a beef with you on this and again, I appreciate your take on it but the entire premise of creating this thread was incorrect from the get go.

  • Well since i am probably the worst known case of the "too many rigs" disease.

    I will say categorically (just so i sound important) .

    I will not buy IR's if the license agreement forbids it !

    So ANY commercial profiler or rig on the exchange that has these.

    You will loose my business. would be good to get a list of IR's where their license agreement

    categorically states this.

    Now thats all the BS out of the way, beer time and 8 handed sweeping taps

    *checking out this guy atm (Niels Vejlyt)

    Happy Hols to all.


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.