Remote secrets: How are you using it in your live rigs?

  • One performance per band. Slot 1 clean with chorus and delay on switches. Slot two fender is crunch. Slot three marshallish crunch with morph boost for solos. Slot 4 full skrech and slot 5 anything special.

    A brace of Suhrs, a Charvel, a toaster, an Apollo twin, a Mac, and a DXR10

  • One performance per song, with bpm correct match and going from part A, B, C, D into each slot.
    Just performing original songs.
    Custom intelligent pitch scales are often used.

    Using expression to controll EQ to simulate a moving filter, very, very interesting and fun to see people face they listen to it.

    Mission (wah/volume) and Moog into expression (delay, pitch, move EQ parameters).

  • For me it depends on the situation. I have a few themed performances (Main, Police, Pink Floyd, Reggae, etc) that I normally use.

    If I'm in an unfamiliar situation I prefer Browse mode with locked effects.

    Lots of great suggestions here though.

  • I have a performance for each guitar, mainly to accommodate to their specific sound.

    Usually i have clean on 1, crunch on 2, overdrive on 3, lead/solo on 4 and with the KPA now i have a multi on 5.

    Then i add different stomps to each - so in slot I i usually have some booster, then a chorus in II of the clean channel etc. I usually try to keep it simple.

    With the multi channel, i start with a clean amp, have one or two distortions and then added tremolo, octavers etc. depending on the set we are going to play.

    I really dig the morphing for boost someone suggested, since this is something i use everywhere and would give me an extra slot more. So thanks for that :)

    once a purist, then analog pragmatic and finally a digital believer who found out that you can't hear a mosquito fart in a band-context.

  • I really dig the morphing for boost someone suggested, since this is something i use everywhere and would give me an extra slot more. So thanks for that :)

    Not sure if it was me but I have found it a revelation! Also you can add a touch more treble to cut as well ( or anything else you have engaged). You can also add more effect. On my solo sound I morph in extra delay and reverb for more spaced out solos....

  • Yes, sometimes i have the effect mix on 0% and with morph dial it in since you cannot activate or deactivate a set of stomps with morphing. Its an amazing feature.

    once a purist, then analog pragmatic and finally a digital believer who found out that you can't hear a mosquito fart in a band-context.