Rocking out on an amp that's leaving the stable

  • I'm going to miss the amp on this recording, it's a Mesa Boogie Mark V:25 running into a Suhr Reactive Load and some Ownhammer cabs. All guitar parts played on my Strandberg 8.

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    Just so much balls on this amp, this is the IIC+ channel, I wonder if I'm making a bad decision (again).

    I'd share the profile, but the IRs are not my own.

  • Dont worry Bro, you have this tone FOREVER now, unless you spill beer on the hard drive then guess what?

    You still have it!!, thats the point of the profiler, dial in what we love and have it ready at a drop of a hat.

    Old skool speed metal needs a beer....Cheers to that :)


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • Nice one man, is that SD3 you're using for the drum part? As far as the amp goes, c'est la vie - they come n' go bro! ;)

    Yes, it’s SD3. Haha, yeah, It’s only stuff. Crazy thing is, would you keep it all if you could? No regrets are a hard standard to live by!

    HaFun stuff! I'm sure the amp was a blast to play with but I suspect you have no shortage of toys. :)

    In this day and age honor is all the more impressive.

    I have a small collection, but seeing some of the pics people post here, on TGP, Gearslutz, etc helps keep my feet on the ground!

    Seriously, I’m some kind of iconoclast, when everyone was using Napster and downloading torrents, I bucked the trend and bought my music and movies.

    Now things have come full circle and people are paying for music, I feel good after questioning for years whether I was impoverishing myself like a fool while everybody was enriching themselves.

    Trust me, the road may be hard and you may feel like shortcuts, but someone asking you, “oh, you’re Mr X’s son?” whether you’re at a party or at the Pearly Gates will make it worthwhile.

    Dont worry Bro, you have this tone FOREVER now, unless you spill beer on the hard drive then guess what?

    You still have it!!, thats the point of the profiler, dial in what we love and have it ready at a drop of a hat.

    Old skool speed metal needs a beer....Cheers to that :)


    Hehe, I would drink to that, but guess what Ash? I quit drinking altogether! Feels a bit strange, but at the same time, I feel so good.

    Sounds great , between Judas priest and Diamond Head :)

    I also immediately thought of Priest. \m/

    Big Judas Priest fan and that’s the vibe I was aiming for, so thanks, gents!

    Guess what guys, there is no bass on the track. It is just the eighth string on my Boden. With a proper bass and Di signal blend, I have no doubt this would have sounded massive!