Bit of a weird issue with the Kemper and Line 6 HX effects

  • Hi everyone,

    I'm hoping someone can help, I've posted this in the Line 6 forum too as I think it's a HX issue, but just in case I thought I'd ask here. I'm having two problems (one might be how I have it set up admittedly);

    The first is that when I use the HX with the Kemper, the HX is providing extra input volume which is driving the profiles harder. I've checked all my volumes on each pedal and they're all set to 0db and I've tested with no pedals turned on at all and the level is the same; it's only when the HX is turned off that the signal is as expected going to the Kemper.

    Second is a very weird issue that has happened with the auto filter. It was setup as default (no settings on it were changed), and it was placed in the effects loop of the Kemper. The first time I turned it on with the Kemper it had no high end at all, only the bottom end was coming through, and background 'hiss' slowly increased to a decently audible level which then petered off after I had turned off the auto filter. The problem is that after this has happened the Kemper now regardless of anything being plugged in will have this very slow build up of hiss which just dissipates and goes back to normal, but I have no idea why this has happened or how to fix it. The hiss seems to have been coming from the kpa, but it was definitely kicked off by the hx and (whether it was just happen-stance timing or not) the auto filter effect. Auto filter seems to be working fine now but I have changed the output of the kpa to the line out rather than the monitor out which I was using before.

    My setup is;

    Guitar > HX input > HX effects loop send to Kemper input > Kemper effects send to HX effects loop return > HX main output to Kemper effects return > Laney LFR-112 powered FRFR

    I've checked the in/out settings in the HX and everything is instrument level

    Everything is being run from the one extension lead

    Effects loop on the kpa is in the X slot, and in the HX is one loop block placed before any modulation/delay

    I'm not really sure of when to use ground lifts, but when the hiss has appeared I've just gone one by one through to turn each on/off to see if there's any difference and there isn't.

    Any help is much appreciated!

    - Liam

  • Did a system reset and that seems to have done the trick, no idea what caused it though but I do having a feeling may have had a floor unit from the shop since after this reset was my first time it asked me to go through the setup process so maybe some setting had been changed somewhere before I got it

    - Liam