Couple of things first.
I'm trying to use the Non Powered Kemper Main outs to the PA Board, and have a 4x12 or a 1x 12 cab near me for a reference monitor. I'm using a Mesa 50/50 to power either of the cabs. So far, I'm still tweaking the tone I'm getting from the cab.
I've wondered about the live sound I'll be getting when doing a gig. It's not going to be the same as the cab sound I know...but if the sound guy isn't very good, you're tone will be crap regardless if you're going direct or mic-ing a cab old school style. He/She has access to the EQ on the board to adjust to what HE/SHE thinks is good, which may be different than that you think.
So using the Kemper, is it better to go to a club (before it opens) that's got a decent sound system, and plug the Main outs to the board and sit with sound guy and tweak it to your preference? Or go to a studio with a cab, get your tone that you like out of the cab, then go to the control room and tweak the tone that will be sent out? Then go to the club and say copy these settings.
I don't have a decent set up to tweak at home but have access to the options mentioned.
Let me know what you would do.