Not really KPA related so my appologies for a completely off-topic subject but I had no idea where to post this.
TLDR: How do you balance music production while working a full time job?
So this is kind of a broad quiestion(s) so I’ll try to break it down and be more specific.
Basically I would like to hear from people who work a full time job and produce music in their spare time. By "production" I mean: you write, practice and mix your own material in your home (or pro) studio.
So my questions are:
- How do you find balance between work, music production, family/spouse, sports?
- When do you usually write more music - during the week vs during the weekend?
- How long does it usually take you to transform an initial idea to a finished track in your DAW?
I would really like some tips/advice as I’ve been struggling with this for years.
To help you better understand my daily situation: I work a full time job that mostly involves sitting in front of a computer. While I love what I do, I often find myself lacking energy and proper "drive" for producing music at home during the week, because it involves even more sitting and my back starts aching After work I feel like moving about/working out, doing something other than sitting. So, what I often do instead, is go for a walk/run BUT when I’m done with recreation I often feel too tired to get anything serious done musically. At that point in the day, it’s often a bit of a struggle to get myself to even pick up the guitar. In terms of energy: I start my day off at 100%, but by the time I can dedicate an hour or two for music/guitar I’m at about 30%. LOL, reading this must sound like such a first world problem Don’t get me wrong, I feel very lucky to even be able to create music, but thinking how much more I could be making if, I had more time/energy, is sometimes depressing
Anyhow, any advice how to cut corners and better manage my time?
Would love to hear your thoughts on this subject, thanks.