I've got a few amps from the library sounding pretty good through head phones.
The goal is to have that exact same sound go to the board and have it come out to the main PA speakers, plus have a cab onstage so I can have the sound like an actual "head into cab "amp. So far, I can get a great sound out of my head phones, but not a great one from the cab.
I've tried turning off the cab feature but it still isn't satisfying.
You can remove the cab sim tone for the cab onstage and still have the cab sims go to the front right?
The cab doesn't seems to have the same tone coming out that I would get as if I was running a traditional head directly to the cab. Almost as if I'm re-amping it 2x.
In theory, if I connect the XLR's from the kemper and go to a board, is it exactly what I'm supposed to be hearing in the head phones?
Can anyone offer advice on how to do this properly? Getting disappointed quickly...
Many thanks,