Tone seems to include DI signal mixed in

  • Too everyone reading this ..... This illustrates the knee jerk reaction of the Kemper team that comes into focus whenever there omnipotence is questioned at all.
    Agenda? The only one I have is hoping that KPA OS issues such as all these operational anomalies , crashes and any other weird unexplained artifacts are noted and addressed.
    I even offered to help you solve them????

    Did I not write the following

    " As an end user like you for the time being I accept all these things because the KPA produces some great tone even despite the direct leakage. Would I rather it didn't have this issue? Yeah.... I know its there and it is mildly annoying but not to the point that makes the product unusable. Maybe someday somehow by some quirk of fate one of the programmers or engineers will just happen to discover that something from within the countless lines of code or even an internal interrupt or memory arbitration logic flaw within the MCU that yields an implementation of a firmware worked around that fixes many of the unexplained issues once and for all.
    Just remember back to when KPA was first released. A milestone in of itself by Christoph Kemper as profound as those of Leo Fender, Les Paul, Jim Marshall and Mike Battle [Inventor of the ECHO-PLEX ] . "

    Are these words of a TROLL ????

    For the record I have over 20 years experience engineering Digital Pro Audio Guitar processors working with Moto ala Freescale 56K based ASSEMBLY code along with the User Interface Microprocessor assembly code as well. I am well familiar with the idiosyncrasies and unexpected issues that arise.. Now days your relying on your IDE to compile and assemble your code and most likely are trusting its output without question. That is the first mistake ! The second is poor interrupt handling protocols employed ! Midi Buffer overflows ??? Really ??? Never before have MCU's had more onboard memory ! There is no excuse for any buffer overflows ... That's your second mistake.... Its called sloppy programming or poor coding logic !

    Bottom line: Instead beating people over the head and berating them when they bring attention to these anomalies maybe you should consider that maybe you have a real problem that keeps waving a flag that you will refuse to acknowledge. That will be your third mistake... I can tell you that these strange things are going to keep occurring within every official release of FW update until the root of theses issues are discovered. I have faced these types of bug reports and I know they are not fun especially when they cant be replicated by the programmers. It dose not mean they are not real.... We live in an age that affords FW upgrades which also creates a environment of end user beta testers.. I worked in a time where the firmware was internally beta tested to death before any release because it needed to be as close to completely debugged as possible. Flash programming was not an option.
    As MCU's evolved with internal flash and more on board memory a lot of things became much easier !

    I think I also said that I love the KPA and would not consider using anything else as its sonic quality has yet to be surpassed.
    I am on your side ... If you cant take user comments objectively without attacking someones credibility maybe Kemper should do some serious staff house cleaning.
    He's got the money to do it. The basic pre-amp core of the KPA is nothing less than pure genius ... The rest of the product should be held to the same standards.
    There should be no excuse... How long has this product been out??? The operating system should reflect that don't you think? Midi Buffer Overflows ???? Your still having basic serial communications issues after 5 years of this products life ? That should tell you something right there... Its great that Kemper gave the OS programmers 5 years time to get up to speed. But maybe who ever is responsible for the current OS architecture should step down to a general programming position and someone brighter should be considered to restructure and optimize the Boot sequence, User Control Interface, General Main Routines , Interrupt handlers , Confirm MCU Memory buss arbitration via verification code , Thread management ect ... Basically tighten up coding logic and confirm the assembly output address declarations against the expected code map file. 5 years has been more than enough time to realize that some sort of change is needed.

    You can not keep doing the same thing and expect a different result ! Crazy man.

    My feeling is the current chief programmer is in too deep and has lost his way. I am not saying he is a bad programmer ... I am saying his program logic flow is really rough .... Its a talent ... There are programmers and there are others that have an expertise in operating system optimization and program flow execution.

    As I have indicated I am keeping the faith that great improvements will be made in the operating system that will make this product unstoppable now and into the future...

    So what kind of troll am I .... I am a proud Kemper-ite and will remain one until such a day that something comes into existence that surpasses the KPA's preamps sonic performance and user interface execution.

    I'm done now.... Think and say what you will ... Oh before I forget hey Locrain ,

    I mentioned the reverbs as a contextual metaphoric example ....

    As in

    Instead of finding and fixing the existing code .... More code is being written and being touted ... albeit a nice addition...

    What good is more bells and whistles if the basic vehicle keeps breaking down???????

    Has there been one totally stable official KPA firmware release? Why not ??? What precedent does this track record create.

    KPA sounds great but unexpected issues may occur when you least expect them.... Not to mention taking 50 some odd seconds to reboot ! That's the fourth mistake !


    Your not crazy , I am not troll, neither is anyone else that dares to say that the KPA may have some issues....

    The OXYMORON is that the KPA response exhibits the behavior of exactly what they claim to detest!

    They proceed to demean and diminish anyone's credibility when they don't like what your saying like a gang of arrogant scheißekopf A-holes !

    That is reason I have not commented in quite a while ... But this was an exception ...... I am always keeping tabs on whats going on here....

    Its cheap entertainment !

    Waiting for something good to transpire ... Like a 5 second boot ! That be a good start !
    How about a Midi Buffer that never has overflow problems... Lockups , Freezes ect....

    Best regards,

    Edited once, last by SgtPepper (August 24, 2018 at 10:26 AM).

  • It took you 10 edits to write this?

    Yes. I write, I add, I re-think, re-write, edit typos, clarify vague statements, correct/change punctuation, include different quotes, decide to tag forums users, think of different ways to say things. I try to follow universal forum etiquette, keep everything contained in one post. All things you do not do. a different managed to fit all that bullshit in one single post. Bonus: I bet it took very little thought.

    Have any other "questions"?

    I didn't expect much from you in the way of a reply (it's clear you're not equipped), I was hoping you'd at least try and defend the dumb stuff you said...but I guess you've sobered up or what not...

    Have fun with your big phone.

    TLDR: You got owned (to be fair, you played yourself), and you have nothing to say...didn't even attempt a single could I ever have guessed?

    Edit: 1:

    Edit 2:

    Edit 3: See how simple it is? Computers aren't that bad buddy, let go of the phone.

    By the 4th edit, NO ONE CAN EVEN TELL WHAT'S GOING ON AMONG THE CHAOS OF THE EDIT for readers of English. Since it's clearly not your first language, you get a bit of a pass, regular value $24.99.

    6: Believe it or not, I can keep adding to the post with each consecutive edit. The more you know...

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

    Edited 2 times, last by Locrain: Stupidity. (August 24, 2018 at 10:32 AM).

  • Too everyone reading this ..... This illustrates the knee jerk reaction of the Kemper team that comes into focus whenever there omnipotence is questioned at all.

    Then why did you ignore CK's post?

    I'd love to help Kemper fix and find the solutions but they take the attitude that there is nothing wrong with their coding..... but they will be releasing some new reverb's soon ?

    I mentioned the reverbs as a contextual metaphoric example ....

    ...Yes...I also know those words also... But you know full well these have very little to nothing do with each other, even if they did, they would focus on everyone who wants reverbs, instead of the dude that says he still has a problem...via text?

    I'd love to help Kemper fix and find the solutions...

    I wish I could believe that. But given your lack of response to CK, regarding the assistance you actually can provide, I don't. I think you like the role you're currently filling.

    I understand, you love the KPA, you have issues with it, we all get there. For whatever it's worth, I also get pretty frustrated with the dev team(s) at times. And so much of what you say has truth...but none of it addresses the actual issue in my post you're replying to...or to CK's post, which you have completely ignored...surprise.

    My original question remains the same: Why in the world did you consider your ticket resolved and mark it as such if you did not think the issue was fixed? I know it's very hard to understand this concept...I guess it's hard for you too, as you ignored this issue. Did you close the ticket as resolved, or is CK wrong/lying? If I were a dev on a product that you opened a ticket for, told me it was fixed, then continued to complain online...if this is what happened, CK was very kind to you.

    I don't think anyone at KPA cares about or wants your help. Full stop. They would appreciate if you posted audible, useful proof of your situation, or if you didn't close a ticket, causing them to think the issue was resolved, and then continue to tell them how they should do things.

    Since you won't/don't care to, it's natural to question your motives.

    Pretty simple. Actually pretty simple for you to clear up.

    Maybe someday somehow by some quirk of fate one of the programmers or engineers will just happen to discover that something from within the countless lines of code or even an internal interrupt or memory arbitration logic flaw within the MCU that yields an implementation of a firmware worked around that fixes many of the unexplained issues once and for all.

    In the meantime, I'll continue to suffer though the load times. You never know, they may be accepting resumes...

    contextual metaphoric example

    Actually...I don't know those words, I'd like you to explain to me how that is a metaphor...I'll not hold my breath.

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

    Edited 3 times, last by Locrain (August 24, 2018 at 11:21 AM).