We talk about it a lot but do we have an approximate release date???
Is it in 2018 anyway???
We talk about it a lot but do we have an approximate release date???
Is it in 2018 anyway???
Kemper doesn't provide release dates other than to say or imply on occasion that something's "imminent".
It's a prudent policy that prevents flaming of the company due to deadlines' not being met. We all know how that can turn out. Slate, are you listening?
To answer your second question, most of us feel that it's extremely-likely that it'll be in the next month or two and definitely before the end of the year, although, of course, this is user speculation only.
If memory serves me correctly, they have never, ever made any advance announcements that included a release date for any update since the Kemper was released.
At any rate, there is usually a Public Beta before a Production Release. If that happens, you’ll know they are getting close to an Official Release.
Paul has it right.
The spring reverb preview had only a small amount of the functions in progress. When the public beta for the full function release comes out ..... which I am also guessing is the next couple of months .... and very likely before the end of this year, I would expect a month or two before the full release.
I believe that this upgrade is a major overhaul of the efx engine just like the delays were. We should all be patient knowing that they are absolutely on the way.
There's an echo in here... here... here...
My bad. I was thinking of another thread where I wrote about the "overhaul" today, OneEng, so that, combined with a similar projection to yours, well, you understand I'm sure.
No date but.....
I'm very glad they announced something. It's a lot more pleasant around here with everyone looking forward to something with hopeful and excited anticipation rather than another thread saying 'they're not doing anything because the processor cannot cope' etc.
I've only seen one thread where a person (pretty new and seems to have vanished since) started a thread complaining that they hadn't come out yet. Pretty much everyone else seems to be excitedly, but patiently, waiting. In other words, the vast majority of the traffic generated by the announcement has been very positive.
I really like the way they brought out one small part of the overhaul and then announced the rest as a teaser. I personally hope in future that the company communicate in a similar way - the debate can then be excitement about what is coming / about this wonderful box getting even better with a glimpse at the roadmap as opposed to complaints that 'nothing is going on'.
To borrow a word from Harry's vocabulary, that's "senseful", Gary.
Nailed it, brother.
if this article from GuitarWorld is correct the verbs release may be before end of this year.
Hoping it’s this fall!
Hey, what is ‘public beta’?
We will release the new reverbs as soon as these will be ready, but not earlier.
Ahhhh, ok, thanks Paul .
Kemper doesn't provide release dates other than to say or imply on occasion that something's "imminent".
Well fine lets call this reverb the IMMINENT REVERB then
Imminent Shimmernent, maybe?
Imminent Shimmernent, maybe?
I really want the new reverbs. Please come out soon!!
Reverbs will be here by the end of the century.....so around 2098.....but you will just love them......i mean really love them....so make some space in your coffin with your sealy posturpedic, cup holder, and alarm bell in case you are still alive to alert the authorities. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!