Please stop me from buying an AXE FX III

  • Claiming the KPA can capture an amp perfectly when there are examples that demonstrate otherwise is marketing hype

    Even if it is, no even comes close to the unethical Fractal practices that I already wrote about.

    Nobody knows this better than you yourself. You clearly bought the Kemper for its amp modeling because you know very well that it's far superior to the AXE FX outdated approach. many other tube amps owners can successfully profile their amps, and take that sound t inside the Kemper instead of carrying tube amps around, something that no other device can do. Go ahead and profile an amp and test it for yourself, otherwise enjoy your Kemper, that you openly stated that you bought to use for amp modeling.

    Your perception and understanding of what capitalism is couldn't be any more misinformed. What you refer to as acceptable practices by Fractal is the ugly side and abusive bad side effects of capitalism that causes the uneducated to perceive capitalism as though it allows lying and selling your mother, morals and your family to make a dollar.

  • Even if it is, no even comes close to the unethical Fractal practices that I already wrote about.

    You admit that Kemper is unethical, correct?

    You originally stated that Fractal Audio was making 'clearly false claims of accurate modeling' and engaging in 'misleading marketing gimmicks', which by your standard is precisely what Kemper is doing, correct? If you think it's unethical to make false claims and engage in misleading advertisements, then by your own admission Kemper is unethical. Whether you think one company is more unethical than another is your opinion.

    Your perception and understanding of what capitalism is couldn't be any more misinformed.

    Capitalism : an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market.

    Honestly, we should just agree to disagree at this point because we're retreading over old ground, and the OP has already made his decision.

    Edited once, last by ColdFrixion (August 4, 2018 at 1:35 AM).

  • You admit that Kemper is unethical, correct?

    Not at all. No one stoops to the lows that fractal has been muddying in since inception.

    You use similar tactics like those of Fractal and you would defend the indefensible similar to what a US president (that shall remain undisclosed) legal team would do. I'm done with this thread. Said enough to educate unsuspecting consumers about the advantages of not spending ridiculously high prices for a product made up of hype (AXE FX Platform).

    IF you must go fractal, just buy an AXE II at less than half price, the difference between Ares and Quantum is fictional just like the names, ares quntum, Santa Clause, Unicorns and such. Don't be gullible.

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone. :)

  • Not at all. No one stoops to the lows that fractal has been muddying in since inception.

    I didn't ask whether you think anyone else stoops to the lows you think Fractal Audio does. I asked whether you think Kemper is unethical for making false claims about the KPA's ability to capture an amp perfectly or capture the sonic DNA of any amp? There are obviously examples that demonstrate otherwise, so do you think a company that makes false claims is unethical?

    Edited 2 times, last by ColdFrixion (August 4, 2018 at 2:46 AM).

  • I see 63 Axe II Profiles were added to the exchange 4 days ago.

    That makes nearly 300 Fractal Rigs thus far. If I were the OP I'd have considered this.

    I think there's somewhere around 4,500 rigs in total on Axe Change so far(last I checked), though while there are some really good ones, I generally create my own. Either way, Rig Exchange has more than twice as many.

  • I've had an Axe-FX II since it came out. Got a Kemper early this year. Got an Axe-FX III early May.

    Some amps are far better sounding on the KPA; some are better on the AFIII. Effects are better on the AFIII, but not good enough to do away with outboard effects. Fuzzes, boosts, tape echos, etc.

    Have been back and forth using AFII as an effects processor in the loop of the KPA and/or the AFIII. Even had all 3 going together. Talk about a wall of sound. =O

    Probably could let go of AFII with no loss, but I got space ......

    If there could be only one ........... tough, very tough call, would have to test hard for a while. But, slight edge would go to KPA at this time.

    You gotta have the right guns when you enter the town of tone. And please, shoot ALL fanboys you come across!

  • OP here!

    I never imagined this thread would grow so much!

    There is TONS of Kemper love coming from me and to this day I highly recommend it within my circles. If I had the money, I'd own both units to be honest.

    With that said, I took the decision of going for an Axe Fx III only because of the opportunity and current needs I have.

    "Tone" at this point is the least of my concerns since both units are capable of delivering high quality sounds. It all boils down to having an "all-in-one" solution unit for my studio and opening the possibilities of expanded live playing.

    Again, thank you so much for sharing your various points of view and helping me with this process.

    Best regards!

  • I had a fx8 to compare to Kemper

    fx8 delays, reverbs, etc are OUTSTANDING. truly world class. I had Kemper 4 years ago and recently came back. With the latest updates, I think Kemper may be right there with fx8, even if falls short the difference is not great and Kemper delays now sound amazing and plenty good enough to inspire and deliver on stage & studio.

    Here is a difference many do not realize with fx8/ax8: the spillover has limitations. Each block has an a/b version of say the delay. If you switch to a patch within that group the spillover may not work or even worse make a weird ziiiipy sound. I was able to program and get creative to make things work for my set, but compare that to Kemper- there is no compromises, all delay spillover stuff is there and it is amazing and clean on the switches. The Kemper remote is sooo flexible it is a joy to use.

    Another negative for fx8 is the footprint. I had that unit in a hard gator case and it was a bit of a beast to lug around, especially up a flight of steps + tube amp+ 4cm snake. Amazing tones, but portability of the Kemper is vastly superior. And I actually think the tones are better- I can surgically eq my amps and have all that spillover stuff.

    + Kemper Chief seems like a cool dude.

    Kemper FTW!