Im trying to run a real amp (bogner ecstasy ) and kemper both at the same time live on stage, I have profiled the bogner and would like to run both of them stereo just for the sleight differences they have. But i don't really wanna carry a second pedal board for the bogglers FX. i wanna know how i can still use the kempers fx through the bogner so i can use the kemper control for different FX i use, or if there is a way to turn the stack off of one output section but leave it on for a different output section. thanks

christophervaughn -
July 25, 2018 at 2:08 AM -
Thread is Resolved
Can’t you just set up your Bogner exactly how you like it then profile it?
Now you have your Bogner AND whatever other amps you need in one box with no need to patch in effects.
You would only have one amp at a time but would be able to run the Lemper in stereo.
theres still a sleight difference with the bogner and the profiles i made, and that makes it nice for stereo mix, what I'm basically tying to do is use the effects in the kemper along with the real bogner so i don't have to use 2 pedal boards, because i use different patches and effects depending on the song .
OK I hear what you are saying.
It does seem like a lot of effort for a marginal gain to me but I haven't experienced your setup so it may be much more than marginal for you
I think the short answer is NO. You can't achieve full use of the Kemper's effects with both the Kemper and another amp. I'm a relative beginner with the Kemper though, maybe someone else knows a way it can be done.
The best I could come up with today was to patch an A/B/Y pedal in the FX loop of the Kemper. I didn't have an A/B/Y pedal around so just used a stereo pedal to test the concept. In fact if you know you will always want both amps on all the time you could use a stereo FX in the loop and apply that effect as required.
Send the Kemper's Direct Out up to the input of the pedal.
Send out A of the pedal to the Direct In on the Kemper and out B to the input of the other amp.
You will now hear the effects through both amps.
However, it is limited in is application -
The pedal will let you select Kemper only, Bogner only or both together.
You will only be able to use 3 stomp effects in this case as the Loop will take up 1 Stomp Slot.
The effects before the Loop will be applied to both amps but the FX after the loop will only be applied to the Kemper. As you can select the Loop position for each Rig this could still give a fair bit of flexibility.
Say you had the Wah in Stomp A, Fuzz in B, Mono Loop in C and Phaser in D. All effects including the Phaser would be on the Kemper and everything except the Phaser would be on the Bogner.
You wouldn't be able to use the post Stack FX in this way either as the Loop would be receiving the signal after the Amp module in the Kemper and sending the Amp profile out the loop into the Bogner which (presumably isn't what you would want to achieve.
Not sure if that helps or not but good luck in your quest
MONITOR OUTPUT with “Monitor Cab Off”. Of course the “Git…” settings remain unaffected by “Monitor Cab Off”. Read more about the monitor features in the chapter Monitor Output. The MAIN OUTPUT at source setting “Delay/Reverb wet” will deliver the wet stereo effect signal of the delay and reverb only. If you set the DIRECT OUTPUT to “Stack” or “Mod”, which is the complementary dry signal, then you can send your amp signal through three cables to the front mixing desk. Your front mixer now has the ability to mix the effect signal to the dry signal according to the actual room ambience of the venue. This method is called the wet/dry/wet setup. Your mixer will love you for that! And still you can use the MONITOR OUTPUT separately from all that for your individual stage sound!
@christophervaughn couple of questions:
1. Is your kemper powered?
2. Are you planning on micing the Bogner and going direct with your kemper or are you gonna mic your kemper as well? -
You're a genius Muddy.
I had considered the Dely/Rev/Wet option but thought it was only the Post FX that would send I can't think why I still ruled it out as part of the solution though (probably because I'm a muppet).
Anyway, just checked and the stomps send too so that one lite nugget seems to do everything the OP asked for without needing the Loop idea. As I said, bloody genius
1 yes it is powered
2 i was planning on mining the 4x12 cab for the bogner and di out from the kemper@christophervaughn couple of questions:
1. Is your kemper powered?
2. Are you planning on micing the Bogner and going direct with your kemper or are you gonna mic your kemper as well -
MONITOR OUTPUT with “Monitor Cab Off”. Of course the “Git…” settings remain unaffected by “Monitor Cab Off”. Read more about the monitor features in the chapter Monitor Output. The MAIN OUTPUT at source setting “Delay/Reverb wet” will deliver the wet stereo effect signal of the delay and reverb only. If you set the DIRECT OUTPUT to “Stack” or “Mod”, which is the complementary dry signal, then you can send your amp signal through three cables to the front mixing desk. Your front mixer now has the ability to mix the effect signal to the dry signal according to the actual room ambience of the venue. This method is called the wet/dry/wet setup. Your mixer will love you for that! And still you can use the MONITOR OUTPUT separately from all that for your individual stage sound!
i tried this and it still seemed like the amp and eg is still on in the stack section, i was trying to get only effects to the bogner, but still be able to use regular patches through my di out,
the way i have it set up with the controller is 5 different presets that match the bogners 5 presets that i can switch, with the bogner foot switch and the kemper controll, so when i change patches on the controller i want the same fx from each patch to work as well in the bogner -
I tried it after Muddy posted and I didn’t hear any amp on the FX out. I used the main outs of the zkemper into my mixing desk and the monitor out to a Boogie. I set a really high gain sound in the amp stack aleit bus if it was on or off. Payed some riffs and toggled the Amp section on/off but didn’t hear any change on the Boogie.
OK ill give it a shot thanks guys , but if there are also other alternative ways to do this i would like to know too, thanks again