Factory Modded Soldano Avenger 100 profiles up

  • Link below has clips to an original song I put together real quick - all guitars were recorded with the Soldano Avenger pack. If you want high gain and clarity - meet the Avenger. I actually like this amp a little better than the two SLOs I had for raw tone - the Avenger lacks an effects loop, and this one was modded from the factory to have a 2nd foot switchable master volume, verified by me calling Mike Soldano. He even remembered the amp!


  • Hi Guys here is some info

    These profiles make a break from my typical format -
    I am not providing direct profiles. These profiles sound fine with the
    cab off to my ears, and not making three of each setting like I usually
    do freed me up to try something new.

    The first 12 profiles are of the Avenger and a vintage SM57 with various
    settings. High gain, low gain, scooped mids, extra mids, etc. There’s a
    wide variety of tones here. But I thought “what else could I include?”

    Enter custom profile settings. I dialed in fx for different uses and tweaked
    the profiles. First 12 are right off the amp - archival, as I like to
    think - a snapshot of the amp I own. Here’s what the other profiles are /
    can do:

    13 Is enhanced for tight rhythm playing
    14 for soloing
    15 for low gain
    16 a starting point for mixes (live and recording)
    17 mix ‘ready’ also for leads
    18 set up with morph - from rhythm to lead
    19 set up with morph - from clean to dirty rhythm


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.