Are direct amp profiles tied to a specific cab ?

  • Hi everyone.
    When you are creating a direct amp profile (amp recorded with a di box between amp and cabinet), it's said that the kemper records the behaviour of the amp according to the real cab impedance curve.
    Does this mean that if i use this direct amp profile on the kemper with a different cab, i won't get the true behaviour the profiled amp would have had with this cab ?
    To be clear, does this mean that a direct amp profile is only accurate when played through the same cab it was created with ?

    Thank you.

  • Yes, Just like if you took a real amplifier and plugged it into a different cabinet, it would sound different…
    I have spent many months direct profiling amplifiers and the only issue I can see that you could experience would be that you would set up the EQ for a specific cabinet, (say with greenbacks), then when you plug into a vintage 30 cabinet , the profile will sound different, but the profile is exactly the same as it always was, it’s just a different cabinet with different speakers.
    I use mostly greenback cabinets, so when I am direct profiling, I EQ the amplifier for that cabinet, But even when I EQ it for say, a Bogner Straight 4×12 green back cabinet… Then I plug it into a Marshall Straight green back cabinet, it will sound different, just like if I took the original Bogner amplifier and plugged it into either of the cabinets, they sound different.
    Now, if I plug into a vintage 30 4X12 cabinet, wow! Huge difference! But the profile didn’t change…
    Treat the profile as a specific setting of your amplifier, saved…
    The beauty of the KPA is that you can have lots of different performances with direct profiles set up for Specific cabinets.
    One experiment would be interesting which I have never tried, ( I can’t believe I haven’t tried this, but I will tomorrow) to do a DI profile into one cabinet and then do exactly the same amplifier with the same settings to another cabinet and see if the profiles themselves were different. I think this is kind of what part of your question was getting at…
    I will report back in 24 hours!

    Edited once, last by SQUAREHEAD (May 28, 2018 at 5:21 AM).

  • Let's say you do a direct amp profile of a JTM 45 with a 4x12 V30.
    Now, you run this profile on a Kemper connected to a 1x10 Jensen. Will the kemper then behave like the real JTM 45 would have behaved with the 1x10 Jensen ?

  • Yes it will, and the reason I can say that with confidence is because I just did three profiles of Bogner Xtcy amplifier through three different cabinets - all three profiles were exact, identical…
    I was wondering if the type of speaker in a cabinat affected the DI profile… It does not appear to at all, ( thank goodness ) I did one with a vintage 30 cabinet, another with G12H 30 W speakers and another one through a greenback cabinet… And the type of speaker does not seem to affect the personality of the profile at all, none whatsoever.
    Now, I have a snapshot of the Bogner which I can plug through any cabinet and get the same result as I would using a real amplifier through any cabinet…
    I hope I’m answering your question properly… If I’m not, just let me know ,

    Edited once, last by SQUAREHEAD (May 28, 2018 at 10:32 PM).