Toast ME: the Unofficial Kemper Editor

  • Guys if you only know how much passion and effort is Damian investing into ToastMe editor..
    He is doing it for community, for all of you who need a way to control KPA from distance.

    He appreciates all of your support and would like to thank you for that.

    So if you like what is he doing, you can always support him even by beer as DONATION or you can write some KIND WORDS here to encourage him to continue spending countless hours through the nights developing the editor for you. I had recently talk with Damian and he mentioned he was willing to invest the donations to hire graphic designer to help him with better UI design...

    Kudos to Damian for spending his time and effort to help community.

    NOT-Kudos for Moderators for still not appreciating it. Damian is still banned and not able to communicate with you directly. <X

  • i like the actual design of Toast Me...
    i know much can be better but must be some other graphic design in here to help without having to pay or spend with this.. money is for beer time...

    i worked many years ago as a designer and today i have no time otherwise i would promptly help with improving the graphics, but it is not a must according to my view.

    i think that Damian should create a new user simple like that, maybe moderators do think he already did that and that is why they just ban and do not look back, i work nowadays at a web hosting server and we have our own terms and ways, sometimes when a user got a virus we disable him and will not make his account up again until he sent an email asking kindly and stating that he will be clean of virus and using a strong password...

    Edited once, last by szykman: fixing typo (May 13, 2018 at 2:19 PM).

  • Graphics is easy stuff. You just have to size it up to the pixel for what ever you are using it for. I used to make all kinds of designs for things like the Windows Media Player for S&G. Here is a quick example: You can get real 3D and have the buttons push in/out visually, knobs rotate, etc..etc.. All depends on how many images and maps you use.

    Edited once, last by Nemo13 (May 13, 2018 at 5:35 PM).

  • Graphics is easy stuff. You just have to size it up to the pixel for what ever you are using it for. I used to make all kinds of designs for things like the Windows Media Player for S&G. Here is a quick example: You can get real 3D and have the buttons push in/out visually, knobs rotate, etc..etc.. All depends on how many images and maps you use.

    Looks nice Nemo, albeit a litte crammed here and there. I like an interface that 'breaths'. But nice work on the knobs!

  • Looks nice Nemo, albeit a litte crammed here and there. I like an interface that 'breaths'. But nice work on the knobs!

    That was just an example of skin ease. It's crammed because that was the request, but in that limited space. ;) If you don't have a need for much control, you can have a cleaner design. But if you need control and don't want it to take up your whole screen, then that is when good design work comes in handy. Here is a simple design I made for some other stuff, my little amp head. Most people could do this with a lit tle skill in vector graphics.

    Edited 4 times, last by Nemo13 (May 14, 2018 at 10:21 PM).

  • Hi to all,

    I own the yamaha MD-BT01 bluetooth MIDI Adapter.
    Does not work with ToastMe.
    I am not that MIDI specialist, so can someone please explain why it does not work? Does ToastME not support MIDI over Bluetooth?
    Is it possible to get it to work?

    Thanks in advance

  • I dont even use the editor (dont have any spare time between peeing and beer) but i think Damien and tijlcarrein
    are pillars of this community and have demonstrated a solidarity that is in line with what it takes to be GREAT..
    ow and ..should be rewarded...

    You drink beer you need to pee
    Damien and tijlcarrein do good things
    make sense? :whistling::rolleyes:

    I will donate 100USD on behalf of us here, i dont even use this thing but i know bad ass when i see it :P
    @tijlcarrein just pm me his pay pal i send and ..

    THANK YOU. (tijlcarrein too dam it)
    Good work.

    WHY Damien is banned is beyond me man
    ah F politics any ways <X


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • I dont even use the editor (dont have any spare time between peeing and beer) but i think Damien and tijlcarrein
    are pillars of this community and have demonstrated a solidarity that is in line with what it takes to be GREAT..
    ow and ..should be rewarded...

    You should skip one beer and test the editor. ;)
    It is very practical if you bought a new pack and will test it with the Rigmanager.
    You have a quicker overview of which values are contained in the profile and can change more quickly.

    Your liver will thank you for that. ^^

  • Damian so deserves to be un-banned. Please dear mods, reconsider!

    come on Mods - lets give the guy a break. He's doing something that the community has been screaming out for. I don't know what he's done but if I banned my kids for as long as this for doing something wrong I wouldn't see them again until they left home!!! :D

  • That's just F'in awesome Ash - every single part of it! You rock Brother! :thumbup:8):thumbup:

  • Dear Ash,

    Thank you for the kind words but Damian is the TRUE pillar here. I'm just forever in his debt for creating this fine piece of software. I truly believe Damian is all heart and whilst he explained to me why he understands why the good folks at Kemper stick to their decision to uphold the ban, it really is a shame... he could be of so much help to everyone in this fine community but alas... Back to the waiting untill hell freezes over I guess...

    Thanks you everyone for supporting Damian! He's reading all posts here and really, really appreciates everyone who is enjoying Toast ME.

    One more thing: the Kemper is really the best piece of hardware I ever bought, Damian just enhanced the editing/creating experience tenfold! Thank you Damian and thank you CK and Kemper team. It sure is a great time to be a guitar player.

    Kindest of regards,
