Security enhancement as theft protection by key file at startup

  • I think it makes sense to protect the Kemper from theft and unauthorized use and theft.

    Almost every Kemper user has an account at In this account he is registered as the owner with the serial number of the amplifier.

    Kemper could provide a key file in the user profile of the owner, which can be copied to a USB stick. If a security check is activated in the settings of the amplifier, the amplifier only starts with the corresponding security file on the stick.

    This prevents unauthorized persons from playing on the amplifier. And for a thief, he is also absolutely worthless and therefore unsalable.

    I think that this is important to all Kemper users and I hope for many comments, so that Kemper perceives this desire and realized it.

    Have an nice day

    Edited once, last by RomanKoehler (April 13, 2018 at 9:21 AM).

  • I'm afraid this is no theft protection because it only prevents the Profiler from being used AFTER it has been stolen. Even the "security enhancement" might be no benefit for the rightful owner. A device that is rendered useless is more likely to end up on a scrapyard than to reappear someday through resale and/or re-registration.

  • I think this is a great idea. As you can download the key file from your account anytime you just need to keep a few USB sticks handy. The idea of entering a four digit code (maybe when powering up) is also a good one. While no one approach is infallible once it gets around that the KPA is potentially useless if stolen it could make for a smaller after market. The option to leave all security off would be available for those who didn’t want to deal with it.

  • The idea of entering a four digit code (maybe when powering up) is also a good one.

    For the the best idea here, even to enter a number is not so comfortable. ;)
    You should be allowed to use a code or not. You can mark it with a sticker, that it is code protected.
    This would work even in the dessert with no internet (hopefully) :)

  • .. and what happens if people forget their code .... in the desert or sell their Profiler second-hand?

    The same as happened if you forget your Code for your account.
    It should not be a duty to enter a code.
    If you sell your computer you normally deactivate your codes or you will not get a good price ;)

  • If you want theft protection with a 4 digit security code (for a Kemper Profiler Head), just buy a Kensington lock

    I did not say that I want. I just said it's for me the best idea from the examples which was introduced.

    A Kensington lock could help. But sometime on a stage you will not find a proper object to fix it ;) (Maybe the radiator is to far)

  • @SwAn1 All I'm trying to make the OP aware of is that the most secure way to protect from theft is to prevent it to happen in the first place. Once the device is gone, it doesn't matter so much if anyone can use it or not. No thief will check Google for an hour to see if there's some software protection in place for the device he's about to steal. One option is to use a simple Kensington lock, other ways can include using tamper proof security screws to mount the device in a heavy (and difficult to grab and run) rack or to attach a solid chain to the Profiler Head leather strap fixture points. And I'm sure there's many more ways to increase the physical safety before you need to worry about the situation after it has already been stolen.

  • And just to reiterate ... theft protection must be some physical protection. Codes or dongles won't prevent from theft of a physical device.

    You're right, physical protection would be more effective .

    I suggested an adhesive sticker.
    It does not prevent but it may have a deterrent effect.

    This has long been the practice with car radios. I don't know crime statistic if it's helping. ;)

  • If the people at Kemper consider adding this kind of feature, I suggest it be turned Off by default. I would not want to have to key a password everytime I turn on my KPA. And, Including the password in the Technical Rider provided to the venue to enable the stage crew to turn on the KPA negates the purpose for the password.

    It also would need to be designed in a way so the feature can only be activated and deactivated by the Registered Owner. This would prevent someone from being “locked out” of their KPA by someone else.

    And, it gets more complicated when using a USB drive to load sounds onto a KPA supplied at the venue:

    If a non-password protected KPA USB backup is loaded onto a password protected KPA, what would happen?

    If a backup of a password protected KPA is loaded onto a non-password KPA, what would happen?

  • If the people at Kemper consider adding this kind of feature, I suggest it be turned Off by default. I would not want to have to key a password everytime I turn on my KPA. And, Including the password in the Technical Rider provided to the venue to enable the stage crew to turn on the KPA negates the purpose for the password.

    It also would need to be designed in a way so the feature can only be activated and deactivated by the Registered Owner. This would prevent someone from being “locked out” of their KPA by someone else.

    And, it gets more complicated when using a USB drive to load sounds onto a KPA supplied at the venue:

    If a non-password protected KPA USB backup is loaded onto a password protected KPA, what would happen?

    If a backup of a password protected KPA is loaded onto a non-password KPA, what would happen?

    I also suggested to be able to deactivate. Of should be the factory standard
    But as default after voltage dropout it would be a safety feature.

    The handling could be the same as for a normal laptop.
    Is it protected he will not start to operate also the handling of USB stick can not be done.
    If the protection is deactivated - no change to the situation now.
    The protection should be stored in the backup file. Than you can only load an USB stick if the KPA is in operation. With or without code as you have determined.

  • With all due respect to the opinions of others, I'm strongly against any such feature. None of my Profilers or any other gear that might get used on stage will ever have this kind of locking functionality. I rather stop updating the Profiler if this gets implemented (which I highly doubt). I don't even want to see a half drunk musician in rock'n'roll party mood to struggle to login to his gear, ever. Make sure it doesn't get stolen.

    Just my 2 cents and more

  • @lightboxIt is a feature request thread. The OP suggested a feature. You have made it clear that you don’t want it. I think that some people have raised valid concerns but I doubt that the KPA team has dropped the reverbs and editor this afternoon to implement this and force you to enter a code starting in the next update coming tomorrow forcing you to never be able to update again. Possibly more concerning to everyone is that the sky will fall on our heads ...

    Edited 2 times, last by SwAn1 (April 17, 2018 at 1:16 AM).

  • I don't even want to see a half drunk musician in rock'n'roll party mood to struggle to login to his gear, ever. Make sure it doesn't get stolen.

    I think for a half drunken musician it might be even harder to take care of his stuff than memorizing a 4 digit code. ;)
    It should be a can and not a must to apply the code. :!:

  • I am glad that my suggestion has caused so many reactions.
    Of course I would have preferred it if everyone had found this idea great, but I already knew that this was not the case.

    However, I do not understand the total rejection of such an update, because for the musician who does not want to use this feature, absolutely nothing changes if the secutity option is disabled (should be default).

    Personally, I would prefer a software key to a 4-digit code, since it can happen that you forget it. From a USB stick, I can make as many copies as I want and am with a backup stick on the safe side. And if both are broken, I'll just download a new key from my Kemper account.

    Of course, I realize that software protection is not really a protection against theft. But I think that thieves usually know what they are stealing. And if they know that the amp is unlikely to work, they may stop it. An immobilizer on the car finally prevents not that the car is transported away with a tow truck. But since introduction the thefts of such cars decreased. They are only stolen by professionals who can bypass this protection.

    But I also wanted to prevent my amp with this feature from being used by other musicians in the rehearsal room, which we share with 2 other bands. I do not know, maybe you all have your own rehearsal room. Then you are lucky.
    But everyone else always makes their amp stand with a bad feeling, or dismantle it every time and take it with them.

  • From an artist point of view this request is understandable.
    I can imagine an artist is more anxious to get his signature sound stolen and copied rather then his Kemper stolen.
    It's nice to know nobody can walk away with your signature sound when you leave your Kemper backstage.
    Just like with your phone, if it gets stolen you first worry is about the private data on it.
    I agree to have it disabled by default
    Just my thoughts on this matter ....