[TJ Sonic] Plug & Play Pack 1 - Gallien Krueger 250ML

  • This pack is the first of in the TJ Sonic Plug’n’Play series, and it’s dedicated to the Gallien Krueger 250ML and its vintage 80s tones.
    As you may know, this amp has been used in the 80s from big name artists such as Def Leppard, Iron Maiden, ZZ Top, Rush... Eddie Van Halen kept one as a pratice amp, and David Gilmour was rumored to have one in his rig

    Take a look at the video and see right away what we’re talking about! (ENG subs available)

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    Click on this link to get to our page where you can buy the pack:
    Plug & Play Pack 1 - Gallien Krueger 250ML

    Also one demo rig and complete user's manual with lots of info on how we profiled the amp are available for FREE

    Comments, both here and on youtube, are very welcome - it's our first product, and we need feedback, both positive and negative!

    TJ Sonic