Song per Month 2018 song 2

  • Hi all,

    I'm actually ahead of schedule for the first time ever. I doubt that will last :)

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    Again, I'm not a marvellous player - I like to write songs so please forgive the technical ability aspect of it. I know there are some killer players on this forum so sorry to those guys.

    it's another duet with our 16 year old daughter, Bella.

    Last month's theme was romantic, fantasy, unrequited love with 'Perfect Sky'. As it's Valentine's day, I thought I'd flip things and explore the concept of 'Falling out of love'; possibly just as common as the usual Valentine's Day expectation but rather less explored in song. It's not cheerful so if you need a pick me up song, this isn't it!

    Before I share the lyrics..... It's easy to believe with song that the theme is always about the person who is singing it / must be something they've been through. Whilst some of these songs will be based on my personal experience / beliefs, many are not. After all, if the only things we could dream up were based on our own history, JK Rowling would indeed be able to fly on a broomstick. With that in mind, here's the lyrics from both perspectives in the relationship:-

    Verse 1 (Him)
    You think to leave will make you happy
    I think you’ll miss what made you sad
    They say that no man is an island
    And you belong here on my sand
    I never promised you perfection
    I know I’m not the Holy Grail
    Even though there’s no more fireworks
    There’s still a bonfire in the rain
    Where you going now my only friend?
    My ship that sails the night
    Drifting cross the ocean out of sight

    Chorus (Him)
    Don’t leave me now….

    Chorus response (Her)
    Farewell my love
    Just let me go
    Don’t say no more
    Go with this flow
    Farewell my love

    Verse 2 (Her)
    You still believe that I am happy
    I guess to you this all seems mad
    But every time I picture us
    The best we are is ‘not so bad’
    I’m not looking for perfection
    I know that I’d be born to fail
    I just need a real connection…..
    That lies down another trail
    I never meant to hurt my friend
    But I know that this is right
    Please let me go without a fight

    Chorus (Her)
    I’m leaving now

    Chorus Response (Him)
    Don’t go my love
    Please say you’ll stay
    Just listen please
    Not walk away
    Don’t go my love

    (Him) I only want you to be happy
    (Her) I never meant to break your heart
    (Him) I know I have to let you go
    (Her) We’re better off apart
    Chorus (Both)

    The Tech bit:-
    Song written and recorded by Gary Wright, copyright 2018.
    DAW: Presonus Studio One v3
    Vocals: Gary Wright, Isabella Wright. All recorded into a Shure SM7b through a Cloudlifter into a Focusrite Saffire 24
    Guitars: Gary Wright. All tracks recorded through with a PRS Stripped '58 into a Kemper running Dr. Z profiles from the official pack.
    Bass: Yamaha from years ago into the Kemper running a factory profile.
    Drums: Toontrack EZ Drummer 2 using a 'Southern Soul' kit
    Effects used: Izotope Neutron, Soundtoys Echoboy, Phase Mistress and Pan Man, Reverb was from Slate and Ozone did the loudness stuff at the end. Automatically as I have no clue what I'm doing with it.

    Hope someone out there enjoys it :)

  • Hi all,

    I'm actually ahead of schedule for the first time ever. I doubt that will last :)

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    Again, I'm not a marvellous player - I like to write songs so please forgive the technical ability aspect of it. I know there are some killer players on this forum so sorry to those guys.

    Before I share the lyrics..... It's easy to believe with song that the theme is always about the person who is singing it / must be something they've been through. Whilst some of these songs will be based on my personal experience / beliefs, many are not. After all, if the only things we could dream up were based on our own history, JK Rowling would indeed be able to fly on a broomstick. With that in mind, here's the lyrics from both perspectives in the relationship:-

    Make no apologies for your playing Gary, you and Bella more than make up for it in talent!

    Good lyrics and song - whenever I write a song my wife has her suspicions that it's "About" and actual person or part of my past... hahaha! Sometimes it is but the reality is that's what writing is all about "imagination" and "experiences" ;)

    If I can chime in re: the mix? I'd like to hear your guitars a bit more up front and the bass freq. tamed a bit. Just a thought? If you don't want feedback on the mixes say the word and done 8)

  • Thanks 808 - I really appreciate you listening and I’m grateful for and feedback. I’m always keen for ideas on how to improve and, with mixing, I’m still on a steep learning curve.

    I felt it wise to point out ‘this isn’t about me’ - my wife and I have been together for nearly 30 years now. I’ve shared this song on my Facebook feed too and I didn’t want the ‘....are you alright?’ posts :)

    On here I chose quite ‘dark’ guitar sounds throughout and with the bass as well it’s probably taken it so that the low end on here is dominant. It doesn’t make my car speakers take off but I think you’re right - something down towards the lower end needs a little more work. In isolation, these are the sounds that please my ears but common sense would say that I should choose different sounds to get a better balance. I think I fell in love with one profile and stuck with it. I’ll try and avoid next time. Thank you :)

    I’ll play with the ‘up front’ guitars on the next one and see if I can do better. Thanks again for listening and the feedback :)