Questions on Posting Modified Rigs

  • I wish you told me this last Friday when I asked. I wouldn't have posted it.
    I think it's clear I was trying to be a good citizen.

    Well, I'm done. Sorry guys. This is a bummer. :(

    I don't think this is a deal breaker in any way. Maybe an opportunity.

    The Kemper can go so deep that, for some, it's a bit daunting. Or for others, like me, that are sometimes too lazy to dig into sub menus for hours tweaking tones.

    A perfect lesson for all would be for you to detail the process involved to tweak these tones to your needs. Thereby educating us all on your methods.

    Not everyone may take the time but, and I know I'm not alone here, any simple insights as to how to take a profile that is "close" to the tone you're searching for and get it to the next level would be appreciated.

    I too have been disappointed with a lot of the commercial offerings for various reasons. Most of the rock and metal profiles have way too much gain added back in after profiling and many have the dreaded phase issues resulting in the cocked wah effect we all know.

    LIke you, I grew up on 70's rock and 80's metal. Page, Iommi, Van Halen, Lynch, DeMartini, Campbell, et al so, I am looking for those classic mid gain 3 preamp tube tones. I can appreciate some of the brutal metal tones these guys are getting these days and even enjoy firing one up from time to time but most of my presets are based on Marshall not Bogner Uberschall profiles.

    I tried early on here to get a thread going to start sharing or creating a repository of replica star rig Profiles but it only got a small amount of interest. Maybe that is something we could revisit?

    I myself would love to have a series of 5 pack profiles based on album tones of an artist. Clean, rhythm, lead and a couple of specialty goodies. Load in a slot and you have your Dokken sound ready to go, etc.

    Regardless, don't be discouraged, this copyright issue is minor and understandable. I think it's more of a one size fits all solution as there are people with less integrity who would abuse it if tweaked profiles became popular.

    Hang in there. I'll stay with you on this. If your first effort is any indication, you have a great set of ears and will be an asset to the community. Myself included.


  • Well, I understand that the timing was most unfortunately, however, quite a lot of people seem to be interested in "your" profile still, so I think you shouldn't be too disappointed. Maybe a few pictures of the settings won't be as accurate, but tastes differ so the slightly different profile might be even more to somebodies liking :)

  • Thank you, StratGuru and Karajan. I took some time off here and focused on some other things. Funny how the "copyright" profile thing is on a "copy" of "patented" amp designs...effectively stealing an amp's tone and impacting amp sales. Still, I respect the work and service people provide with profiles. And I understand even a "free" profile cant't easily be distinguishable from a "paid" profile. I understand the dilemma.

    Unfortunately, I'm not at a place in life right now where I can do profiles myself. All I can do is "tweak" 'em, so that means I can't post anything except maybe a video. I'll think about some way to illustrate changes I find improve tone. Basically, it's what I hear when I make changes, and how do you illustrate that? First, I make very short duration large sweeping changes on whatever control there is to check (quick enough that you don't burn your ear on some weird frequency range), and then quickly zero in on what sounds best. But I always start with Gain and Bass. Those two work closely together. You want enough tight bass and good gain saturation before it gets to be too much. Then I move through the tone controls, and after that deep parameters. After all parameters are tested and roughly dialed in, then go back and make very minute changes listening closely to every note being played. Eventually I am making adjustments under 0.1, so they don't even show a numeric value change, but "E" appears and you "hear" the change (hopefully). I want to hear an even balance between lows / mids / highs, and then every single string ring in several complex chords I use to see if certain notes can be heard, or are buried. I go back over everything to find the "sweetest spot" on each control. That's where everything sounds in phase and "note clarity" is as good as you can get it. Mids are the hardest to get right. Too much and it sounds "fake". Too little and it sounds hard and lacks musicality (doesn't cut in the mix) Get it right and you have a natural tone that is bold, but also sits well in the mix. Treble has much to do with mids, and the balance between the two ranges is tricky. Presence is a matter of taste. What I really like about the Kemper is that when you get just enough presence, and not too much (buzzyness), it sounds like a real tube amp and NOT a modeler. That top end has to be there to sound "real", but not exaggerated like the modelers. Same with the 300 Hz and lower range that make it sound like real speakers in a cabinet, and not "out of balance" modelers that get too "woofy". They have a hard time getting the proportions of each range right. It's not an "all or nothing" roll-off thing. Yeah, 8 KHz and 80 Hz have to be there, but will be much lower than 2.5 KHz and 250 Hz. If they are not there, then it's "fake" sounding. Same with too much 500 Hz (fake sounding). Very hard to put this all into words. I just hear it. When it's all balanced, any guitar I plug in sounds great. But "great tone" is subjective. We come from the era of great amps with tight full bottom end, cutting mids and sharp edge highs. But the paradigm has shifted from then...not bad...just different. That is why I'm having trouble finding what we know and like...I think.

    The MB JCM800 profile I was working with has been eclipsed by a new discovery...cabs! I discovered one cabinet profile in the free offerings (or included base profiles) that works fantastically with almost everything. Profiles I would say 'meh' and pass by became full of tone and life. With a little research I found out it's a vintage Marshall cab with 30 watt greenbacks profiles with and AKG 414 done by Markus Wienstroe and Derk (?) at Studio 25. I saved the cab and ran every amp in my Kemper through it. With the right tone settings, which somehow balanced out for everything, it rocks on almost every amp I will do another thread on it. Maybe tomorrow in the "Tips and Tricks" section. Now my Top Jimi JCM800 is killer! Much better than this MB J800. But I also recovered another 20+ amp profiles with this cab that sound fantastic now. All on a simple cab hunt experiment!

    Cabs really matter! Who knew?


    Phil 8)