Assigning amps and effects via Rig Manager: Things just get mixed up!

  • Hi,
    I got my Remote for Kemper and there are a few things I think I still don't understand:

    I have followed the tutorials for the Remote (/performance mode) - up until here everything is good.
    I have noticed that I can do this through rig manager which will make everything muuuuch easier.

    I cleared all my performances completely and started to assign new ones.
    After listing 5 amps, I went though them all and assigned the effects (the default ones that are set to the profiles).
    When I'm done and navigate between my slots/performances, I noticed that all the effects i have assigned disappeared.
    I encountered an other problem - Whenever i want to override an amp on slot 4 for example, I copy the profile and paste it to the slot - it works fine, but later after navigating between others - it kinda changes my amp profile.

    Is there any proper tutorial or documentation for that? [Blocked Image:]
    Or is that a bug with the profiler/remote software?
    Currently using:
    5.4.1 OS
    Rig Manager 2.1.26

  • The biggest problem I had at the beginning is that I edited but did not save.
    Always press "save" before you go to another rig or performance.
    Its clearly documented that to change any value does not mean that it is stored.
    If you send via RM a new Rig it does not mean that it is storaged in the performance. You have to store the performance at the Kemper.

    If this is not your problem then you have to contact the supprt.

  • The biggest problem I had at the beginning is that I edited but did not save.
    Always press "save" before you go to another rig or performance.
    Its clearly documented that to change any value does not mean that it is stored.
    If you send via RM a new Rig it does not mean that it is storaged in the performance. You have to store the performance at the Kemper.

    If this is not your problem then you have to contact the supprt.

    That's what I did (when you say "save" you mean pressing the "STORE" button 3 times?)
    by doing this and selecting the slot on my Rig Manager I don't see the effects, but when I tried doing this with only the pedal I did see the effects.
    I deleted everything again and did the same and everything seems fine.