Hi Everyone,
I bought my Kemper Unpowered Toaster a month ago and I am really happy with my purchase! I already like it a lot more than my Orange Rockerverb 50 MKiii and may even sell that and a bunch of my pedals.
I have some Yamaha HS5 Monitors and KRK KNS-6400 headphones.
All of my profiles sound perfect through the headphones. I'm less satisfied with the sound from my HS5s. The profiles don't sound as distinct as they do through the headphones. I also tried using the power amp of my Rockerverb through my Orange Cab and wasn't thrilled with the sound either.
I would now like to:
1) Find a way to make the HS5s sound better.
2) Buy a FRFR Active Cabinet for mostly bedroom and occasional rehearsal / small show use.
For 1) I would really appreciate any suggestions on how to improve the sound. I have played around with placement and high trim / room control settings.
Regarding 2) I am considering either the Yamaha DXR8 or 10, the Atomic CLR Wedge or the Friedman ASM 12. Which would you recommend? Am I likely to encounter similar issues to the Yamaha HS5? Are these overkill for mostly home use with the option to play live very occasionally?!