AC15 - First Post - First Profiles

  • Not sure I'm in love with these, but here are some captures of the last tube amp I own - a mid 90's Vox AC15TBX.

    I've lost my SM57, so these were done with a MD421 going into the Kemper. I also used a u87 with Great River pre for some. (The u87 is soon to be on ebay to finance the Kemper).

    I had some issues getting the refining process to get dead on what I was hearing. Some of this was due to me not being isolated enough from the amp (I think).

    I've also noticed that there's a threshold where the Kemper can't capture any ambient room stuff - it "truncates" the reference signal time wise . You go from ambient mic to "time based effects" territory and the profile sounds all warbly and weird. So that's odd when you are comparing reference vs Kemper and you hear the room on one side and this rather dry sounding profile on the other.

    Hmmm... how do I attach das kipr files?

    Edited once, last by blewis (February 21, 2012 at 4:07 AM).

  • Good gawd... just spent the last 10 minutes figuring out how to login again and be able to post a response. Strangest forum behavior I've seen in a while...

    Anyway, total noob-ka-boob has figured out how to post my profiles on the Rig Exchange. I put 6 up there of the AC15TBX. Was hoping to gather some opinions before I poisoned the well, but can't be bothered to host the files and link them here.

    First shot... looking forward to doing more.

  • Not sure I'm in love with these, but here are some captures of the last tube amp I own - a mid 90's Vox AC15TBX.

    I've lost my SM57, so these were done with a MD421 going into the Kemper. I also used a u87 with Great River pre for some. (The u87 is soon to be on ebay to finance the Kemper).

    I had some issues getting the refining process to get dead on what I was hearing. Some of this was due to me not being isolated enough from the amp (I think).

    I've also noticed that there's a threshold where the Kemper can't capture any ambient room stuff - it "truncates" the reference signal time wise . You go from ambient mic to "time based effects" territory and the profile sounds all warbly and weird. So that's odd when you are comparing reference vs Kemper and you hear the room on one side and this rather dry sounding profile on the other.

    Hmmm... how do I attach das kipr files?

    That's the only real problem that I have with the profiling process in that it if you distance mic (which I like to do) it doesn't really capture the room and it does indeed go very "warbly" for want of a better term, which is a shame as I really like amps when they are mic'd with a roomy sound.

  • That's the only real problem that I have with the profiling process in that it if you distance mic (which I like to do) it doesn't really capture the room and it does indeed go very "warbly" for want of a better term, which is a shame as I really like amps when they are mic'd with a roomy sound.

    I hear ya. The best answer as far as I know is to get a good ITB reverb to add that - Valhalla Room is pretty great, especially for the price.

  • I use various reverbs for that but none really work that well. I will try out Valhalla rooms later, that looks interesting from what I just read on their website, although there is no real substitute for micing the room with the amp. It gives a "big" sound that is difficult to achieve any other way particularly by just moving the mic around different spots in the room.

  • Thanks Professor!

    The Melt one is a tad bright - the 421 doesn't help that. :) I think the clean ones were "meh".

    The only distance I could get away with was about 6in, which I think I used in maybe one of those profiles. Anything beyond that was hearing too much reverb in the (very reflective) room and breaking the profiling. The u87 profiles were done right up on the grill.

    BTW, I was really happy with the Dirt 421 one last night going through my K10 at band practice. It was pretty pleasing to hear something you've "created" be immediately workable.