Question about using a Kemper with a stereo power amp and another preamp.

  • Hi everyone. I haven't posted here in a while, mostly because I ended up not being able to afford a Kemper amp after all. But I'll definitely be able to get one in a couple of months so I decided to come back and start posting again. So, I kind of wanted to post about something that I've been curious about for a little while. I'm considering getting the unpowered rack version of the KPA, and I actually already have a rack amp, the ENGL E530. My current 2x12 guitar cab can go into stereo mode, so I'm wondering, if I get a stereo power amp, could I have the kemper go in one speaker, and the E530 on the other? Since I'd have to use 2 speaker jacks anyway going into that one power amp, What I want to know, ultimately, is can I do that without blowing something up?

    (Soon) Kemper Profiling Amp
    Jackson King V STD (Discontinued)
    Jackson DK-2 (Discontinued)
    Randall RD-1H
    ENGL E530
    JCA24S 2X12
    Blackstar ID:15
    Orange Crush 15R (Discontinued)
    Jackson RRX10D (Discontinued)

    Edited once, last by ZombieLloyd (October 26, 2017 at 7:59 PM).

  • That should work with no issues other than connecting the two units (kemper and E350) One way that works is using the Direct out on the KPA to go to the E350 which can be set for dry guitar only. I don't use this live but I do at home with the KPA on one side and my Ethos on the direct out into my Interface and works great. I guess the only thing you would have to watch out for in this scenario would the possibility of a ground loop but that should be easy to work around.

  • That should work with no issues other than connecting the two units (kemper and E350) One way that works is using the Direct out on the KPA to go to the E350 which can be set for dry guitar only. I don't use this live but I do at home with the KPA on one side and my Ethos on the direct out into my Interface and works great. I guess the only thing you would have to watch out for in this scenario would the possibility of a ground loop but that should be easy to work around.

    Well, connecting the two shouldn't be a problem really since I am getting a stereo power amp. I thought I had mentioned it in my post. So yeah, I just wanted to know if it was possible to have the left channel go to one speaker and the right channel go to the other speaker using 2 different amps without blowing the speakers up.

    (Soon) Kemper Profiling Amp
    Jackson King V STD (Discontinued)
    Jackson DK-2 (Discontinued)
    Randall RD-1H
    ENGL E530
    JCA24S 2X12
    Blackstar ID:15
    Orange Crush 15R (Discontinued)
    Jackson RRX10D (Discontinued)

  • I understood your post all I was trying to explain is how you would get your guitar signal to both inputs of the KPA and your Engl without having to get an A/B switch, The outputs can then be fed to whatever you want i.e. Stereo power amp, two channels in a PA or two separate amps. In my case I use this idea into my audio interface for direct recording.

  • I understood your post all I was trying to explain is how you would get your guitar signal to both inputs of the KPA and your Engl without having to get an A/B switch, The outputs can then be fed to whatever you want i.e. Stereo power amp, two channels in a PA or two separate amps. In my case I use this idea into my audio interface for direct recording.

    Right yeah, I didn't think about that because I was planning on getting an A/B pedal with the Kemper but I'll try your way since it works for you. Admittedly, it sounds like I read your post wrong. Sorry about that.

    (Soon) Kemper Profiling Amp
    Jackson King V STD (Discontinued)
    Jackson DK-2 (Discontinued)
    Randall RD-1H
    ENGL E530
    JCA24S 2X12
    Blackstar ID:15
    Orange Crush 15R (Discontinued)
    Jackson RRX10D (Discontinued)

  • Hey no offense taken. The reason I set it up the way I described is for mainly recording. This manner allows me to have the Kemper or Ethos one at a time or both in parallel without having to change the guitar from one device to the other. For your purposes esp live the A/BY might be a better fit. Either way to answer your original question in a word would be "yes"


  • Hey no offense taken. The reason I set it up the way I described is for mainly recording. This manner allows me to have the Kemper or Ethos one at a time or both in parallel without having to change the guitar from one device to the other. For your purposes esp live the A/BY might be a better fit. Either way to answer your original question in a word would be "yes"


    Alright. I'll mainly be recording with the Kemper anyway since I don't gig, no one in my area is interested in death metal so no band for me haha. I was just wondering because it'd be cool to have a semi stereo rig and have an easy quad tracking setup. Either way, thank you for your help and your suggestions. A/B/Y might be better for me, but I'll give your way a shot first and then if necessary, I'll buy the pedal.

    (Soon) Kemper Profiling Amp
    Jackson King V STD (Discontinued)
    Jackson DK-2 (Discontinued)
    Randall RD-1H
    ENGL E530
    JCA24S 2X12
    Blackstar ID:15
    Orange Crush 15R (Discontinued)
    Jackson RRX10D (Discontinued)