I have a bit of a problem to understand how to setup my profiler using simultansoulsy the Main Output for the PA and the monitor output for my monitor guitar cab on stage.
Regarding to this setup the manual says:
"...you need to bypass the Cabinet Profile for the MONITOR OUTPUT, so as to avoid running a cabinet simulation through a physical cabinet. The soft button "Monitor Cab Off" in the Output Settings will bypass the Cabinet Profile for the MONITOR OUTPUT as well as the built-in power amp of PowerHead and PowerRack, while the Cabinet Profile stays active for the other outputs including the MAIN OUTPUTS."
So the cab simulation is active and the main output sounds good. My monitor cab sounds best with cab simulation off. So the "Monitor Cab Off" soft button appears to be the solution.
However - bypassing the the cabinet profile (using Monitor Cab Off soft button) the sound is different (and not as good as) from the sound when switching off the Cabinet button.
There is obviously something I have misunderstood. Thank you very much for shedding some light!