Rack owners - have you ever wished you bought the head? And vise versa?

  • Toaster with Camplifier 360.

    KPA and Remote in carry bag over one shoulder, small rucksack with usual stuff and exp pedal over the other shoulder, guitars in 2 guitar padded gig bag on back strap,1x12 FRFR cab in each hand - one journey from car to stage ..... (well ok sometimes 2 if I bring my speaker stand ... it's metal and too cold to stick down my trousers with the first lift)

    I've 2 other rack based rigs and just got a bit tired with all the hassle and stuff to cart about - especially if playing a small venue.

  • I have both. The first one I brought was the toaster this is my main studio one and sits on the desk infront of me. It’s great to tweak because of the LED’s that the rack doesn’t have, it just makes it easier to glimpse at how things are set. My other one (the rack) sits in the rack and gets used but not for major tweaking. I tweak in toaster then send to rack for tracking and use the toaster as well for tracking. My live kemper is a rack as it’s housed in the same case as our bands mixer. This makes it easier to move around. So there are pros and cons for both.