Volume settings for Gig

  • Im trying to get my kemper setup properly for a gig, we had a practice today and the profile slot volumes were all over the place, even though I set them at home .

    Im using a small combo FX return to monitor at the moment.

    So...question...does this seem normal for starters.

    Page 1 - .in the Outputs menu, I have the Monitor cab off box checked, ( the Main out at -12dB is not checked.)
    Main Output - master stereo
    Monitor output - master mono

    Page 2
    Main out link - unchecked
    Master out link - checked
    Main vol -21dB
    Monitor vol -17dB

    Page 3
    Oddly the Monitor cab off appears again in page 3 of the menu, it is also checked, is this a duplicate of page 1 ?

    Page 5
    Pure Cab - unchecked
    Space - 2.5

    1. So I assume the Master Volume will now only be affecting my monitor volume, Does the master volume control work for each performance, so if I change it and store it differently for each performance it gets saved?

    2. Whats the best way to adjust and save the volume to FOH for a whole performance?

    Thanks you kind Kemper folk.....I will get this volume thing !

    No Gain - No Pain.... :D

  • @spark240 1. So I assume the Master Volume will now only be affecting my monitor volume, Does the master volume control work for each performance, so if I change it and store it differently for each performance it gets saved?

    Yes - Master Volume will control Monitor volume.

    The Master Volume setting is not stored independently for each Performance, or for each Slot.

    Use the Rig Volume knob to adjust and store the relative volumes of each Performance Slot.

  • The stock Kemper profiles are very well balanced but when you start throwing different profiles In from different people you will notice volume differences. I know some people use decibel meters, but perceived volume is more important IMO.

    In the end, the band had to deal with tweaking while I was at practice for a few weeks. Doing this at gig volume was the only way I was satisfied. On the plus side, it’s nice having everything just right per profile as far as feel. Now I just use the master volume to get an even level with the other guitar on our rhythm sound and everything else is exactly where it needs to be.

  • I use the kpa chrunch rig (appears in an empty performance in slot 1) as a volume reference and i set the volumes of my rigs in accordance to it. I adjust the output volume like Paults advice. My main outs to foh are at -18dB. No link to the Master volume knob. Monitor out is checked to master out, so i can control my monitor and i didnt affect to main out and foh. The sound guy will thank you :) Its right, the reference chrunch rig volume is only a point to start. You have to check every volume at rehearshal and store it when the volume is ok in band context. Be careful with the cleansound volumes. Some rigs will clip very early and you get a loud bang when hitting the strings too hard.

  • Yes...I can see it just needing more time, maybe they need some sort of normalise function within a performance at least to average out the volumes.

    I could actually get behind this idea. At least it would get you close. Like a built in db meter that could meter and then adjust the rig to whatever the standard volume is of a stock Kemper profile. This would be non perceived and may fall apart at volume, but it’s a start. At a certain point the tone stack almost has more effect than pure volume when you are battling 3 other guys for your own range.