Performance slot help please

  • Have I got this right?

    I want to do a performance setup.

    I select performance and the first slot is preset to crunch.

    I go back to browser, find a sound a I want, tweak it then save it.

    How do I then get this sound to go straight into slot 1? ( or 2 or 3 for that matter)

    No Gain - No Pain.... :D

  • After saving your preset in Browser, go to Perform and select the target slot (using rig buttons) then use the Browse knob (R of screen) to find your preset. Press flashing Load button and you're there. Remember to Save before moving to another performance (you can flick back and forth to Browser without loss but then you can just as easily Browse within the slot)

  • See...this is more or less what Im doing, but my unit has 900 odd rigs , so when I have to go back to the browser to find my saved preset it seems a bit longwinded, surely there should be some sort of " save to performance slot" feature?

    No Gain - No Pain.... :D

  • First off, don't get me wrong here........I LOVE my Kemper.......but not too pleased with the Rig Manager.
    It should do more, imo.
    The one thing that Fractal has over the Kemper, is you can actually Program Everything on your computer screen in real time.
    The KPA rig manager is very limited ( and takes too many "steps" to do most things). Whereas a "Virtual Kemper" on the computer screen would be MUCH Easier & effective.
    Maybe in the future???

  • First off, don't get me wrong here........I LOVE my Kemper.......but not too pleased with the Rig Manager.
    It should do more, imo.
    The one thing that Fractal has over the Kemper, is you can actually Program Everything on your computer screen in real time.
    The KPA rig manager is very limited ( and takes too many "steps" to do most things). Whereas a "Virtual Kemper" on the computer screen would be MUCH Easier & effective.
    Maybe in the future???

    If Kemper had $1 for every time someone has made the request you made above, that single pool of money would be enough to fund the R&D to create a worthwhile Rig Manager, along with feed all the homeless, pave all roads in gold and colonize Mars. Until then, we have Rig Manager as is.

  • First thing I did with my Kemper was go through and delete all the rigs I KNEW that I wouldn't use. I backed it all up of course, but I wanted it to be clean and free from unwanted rigs. Sometimes having too many options isn't a good thing. I then loaded it with my own Profiles and some Michael Britt profiles. If you're having a problem finding your profile/rig when you go back to performance mode, just make it as a "Favorite" in Browse mode and then change your Browse setting in Performance to look at your Favorites. Makes life a lot easier!