Hi Kempers,
does someone know where to get a "Park 75" and "Trainwreck Express" Profile? I'm looking for years now
and didn't find anything.

Park 75 and Trainwreck Express
hal2000 -
May 8, 2017 at 4:13 PM -
Thread is Resolved
A Park 75 is quite rare.
Some Line 6 modelers have one, so... -
Top Jimy profiles - He has the Wreck Ceriatone pack!
Thank you for answering. Yes, i know that stuff. But a copy from a copy from a copy...
It is better than nothing but perhaps someone has such an old amp at home and can help out.
I think the attack and the reaction of the guitar volume poti will not going better in every way
of a copy.
Greets Hal -
Taf made a Trainwreck ages ago. Pack 2, I think.
I got the TAF Trainwreck because it is the profile of an actual Ken Fischer Wreck.... as apposed to a Ceriatone vers of the Wreck.
Thanks Guys,
i followed the advice and purchased the TAF Trainwreck. -
Hi ,
I already have the Top Jimy pack, Mbritt also has a few wreck profiles in one of his packs. And i just purchased the TAF also
All are a bit different but clearly Trainwrecks. You'll like TAFs work Enjoy .. Just like I am now (after a few minor tweaks)
The TAF trainwreck is among my absolute preferred packs, it works perfect with my LP. Andy is a king in capturing tones and the price is a joke for such quality amp and profile. Highly recommended.