First gig with KPA

  • Yesterday I had the first gig with my band Mangrove at the Boerderij, Zoetermeer (Netherlands). I am the singer/guitarplayer. There was no time for a soundcheck because the band that played before us were making dvd recordings. When they left the stage there were already 2 FOH monitors for me. I used this for monitoring keyboards and my own vocals. On my left and right I have put 2 QSC K12's and these were connected with the jack stereo outs. The XLR outs went to the FOH. I used 5 presets for my strat and 5 for my Roland guitar. Sounds are based on HK duotone profiles and Tylers Marshal 19602 mic 2 cabs. I had the best sound on stage ever. I like this way better then a 4x12 cab behind me. For me it's really soundheaven! I'm in the middle of beautiful guitar sound and with effects on it's breathtaking (stereo delays, reverbs, airchorus etc...). The point is that at larger stages with real amps my amp stands 6-8 meters away. FOH engineers always ask not to play too loud because then there's coming too much guitar sound from the stage into the venue. But then I can't hear my guitar so I get the sound from my amps through the monitor! For me the set up with the KPA work much better, better sound and more sounds. I was already convinced of the KPA sound at home and rehearsal room. Now I know it works perfect for me on stage. After the gig I asked the FOH engineer about my sound. I've worked with him several times. He told me the FOH guitar sound was very good and easy to work with. No leakage from other mics (bass, drums!!!) so he received a very clean sound. He said he couldn't hear that the guitar sound was "digital" and it sounded more like a real amp than a lot of amps he used to mike that sounded thin or shrill on FOH. I know enough :)

    Pictures I made yesterday (poor quality, little time and bad light...)

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    Edited 5 times, last by rolandvdh (February 6, 2012 at 9:15 AM).

  • That's a TC Helicon Voicelive 2. I use it for adding delays and other effects on vocals. I also use it for adding harmony vocals. The voicelive gets my guitarsignal and can detect chords (and major/minor) so it can add the right second and third harmony vocals. Very cool for making harmony choirs on chorus in a song! :)