Kemper "freezing" and remote turns off

  • Has anyone ever experienced this? My kemper "sticks" on a rig and won't change, even when I switch the unit to tuner. It even keeps working / playing the rig when I switch the power to off. When it "sticks" the remote completely powers off. It never happened until I got the remote so I'm wondering if the remote is causing the issue. Also, my laptop was connected via USB when this was continuing to happen so not sure if that could have been the cause as well.

  • Has anyone ever experienced this? My kemper "sticks" on a rig and won't change, even when I switch the unit to tuner. It even keeps working / playing the rig when I switch the power to off. When it "sticks" the remote completely powers off. It never happened until I got the remote so I'm wondering if the remote is causing the issue. Also, my laptop was connected via USB when this was continuing to happen so not sure if that could have been the cause as well.

    That sounds like power being interrupted for just a few milliseconds, as I've had the Kemper freeze like that before. Try another power cable if you have one lying around and see if that helps.

  • This seems to be a "known" bug, even if it doesn't seem to get fixed. I experience it on a regular basis. The problem is caused by the laptop (presumably running Rig Manager). When you have both the Remote and a laptop connected , running RM on the laptop, the Remote will stop working, eventually go dark, then the Kemper will (eventually) shut down. Turning the power off to the Kemper, the Kemper will keep running, then - eventually - power off. Turning the power back on and all will be well, until it fails again.

    The problem is much more frequent when you are in Performance Mode, but will do it in Browse mode as well.

    The only "fix" is to disconnect your laptop.

  • Yes.

    For me I see the freeze when I have the kemper connected to laptop, rig manager open, AND I'm switch rigs within a performance. To fix the freeze I unplugged the remote and plug it back in from the back of the Kemper. That worked the first time. The second time just unplugging and plugging back in the remote didn't work. The second time I unplugged the remote and the computer, then plugged the computer back in and the remote back in. Once the Kemper screen was unfrozen I unplugged the computer to prevent it from freezing again.

  • we cannot replicate this at all. question to the posters in here: which version of Rig Manager on which platform are you using? and can you please contact support by email? we'd like to request a debug log from you.


    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • I've already opened a support ticket for this (Ticket ##KA00135135). In my case I'm running the very latest version of Rig Manager and the most up-to-date version of the Profiler OS - I always have.

    My experience is the same as others have posted. I've been using an older MacBook Air to run Rig Manager, but am experimenting with using a newer MacBook to see if it might be the computer that is causing the issue.

    The crash is random and difficult to recreate, so I'm not surprised Kemper cannot see this happening. BUT, when it does happen in the middle of a gig it is a HUGE problem!

    I notice if I rapidly change the performance slots, say press one right after another, then another in quick succession the failure is more likely to occur. Not necessarily, sometimes it just fails without any input.

    My only "solution" is to disconnect the computer during live performances.

  • I'll send an email to support as well.


    • Rig Manager: Version 2.0.19 (12892)
    • Profiler OS:
    • Build Date: March 13, 2017 18.07:44


    • Macbook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid-2015)
    • OSX: 10.11.6 (15G1510)
    • Processor: 2.5 GHz Intel Core i7
    • Memory: 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3


    • Kemper is turned on with remote connected and in Performance mode
    • Open Rig Manager
    • Connect Kemper through USB cable to Macbook Pro using USB port on the right side of the laptop. I actually have an extender on my USB cable.
    • Click on switches 1-5 to change rigs. Eventually this takes the remote down and sometimes the Kemper freezes.

    UPDATE: Ticket #KA00135875

    Edited once, last by dragonfly66 (June 8, 2017 at 11:47 PM).

  • I've had the same thing but strangely it happens when not plugged into laptop. Also today while In browser mode the output button started flashing red accompanied by a loud rhythmic popping sound coming through the speaker. I stopped when I switched to performance mode. The noise sounded like the power switching on and off at 1 second intervals. As I say I had the freezing on a rig and I've been powering the unit off and back on again. I have os 5.02 with the latest rig manager on a win 7 Sony veo. It seems to have started with this latest release altho I only ran 4.9 mi think it was for a Few days after I recieved my kemper two weeks ago. Any help would be appreciated...

  • I've had the same thing but strangely it happens when not plugged into laptop. Also today while In browser mode the output button started flashing red accompanied by a loud rhythmic popping sound coming through the speaker. I stopped when I switched to performance mode. The noise sounded like the power switching on and off at 1 second intervals. As I say I had the freezing on a rig and I've been powering the unit off and back on again. I have os 5.02 with the latest rig manager on a win 7 Sony veo. It seems to have started with this latest release altho I only ran 4.9 mi think it was for a Few days after I recieved my kemper two weeks ago. Any help would be appreciated...

    please open a new thread. this one here is about something that happens WHILE being connected to a laptop.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Just got my rig up tonight, remote connected, KPA plugged via USB into IMac running latest IOS. Updated to latest firmware and using RM 2.0. Froze on a patch and when I pressed up or down on the remote to change the amp it would begin cycling thru all the loaded rigs until it finally stopped and locked up. Had to reset power to clear but it happened regularly tonight. Unplugging the remote made it stop. On one occasion it did give me an error message, I'll try to attach it here.

  • I can confirm the same issue here.

    When I have my MacBook connected and running rig manager I will get a lockup and the remote states no connection and then blacks out. KPA is operational but unresponsive.

    I've disconnected the Mac in the past and on occasion it all comes back to life. Not always however.

    I've never experienced a lockup without my Mac connected.


  • I have had the same issue with a brand new kemper updated to current specs and a MacBook Pro running latest OS.
    Footswitch and unit freezes then footswitch turns off - randomly - not very often but not confidence inspiring!
    Have only been using KPA with laptop so haven't worked out if this happens when standalone yet.
    Has happened maybe 3-5 times in performance mode whilst programming a set of sounds over the last few days.

  • So I was instructed to send the head and remote in for warranty repair. Talked with the tech in Dallas when they inducted it to explain the issue to him. They sent it back after about 3-4 days and it arrived in a damaged UPS shipment. The head was obviously jarred during shipping and got dinged pretty hard (wasn't the best packing job). Upon plugging in the head wouldn't load...stuck on boot screen. Another ticket and then instructed they would replace the head. They sent a new head and return label for the broken one and explained the main board was probably jarred loose by UPS handling. The new head with the repaired remote now seems to work as advertised. No issues yet and hoping everything is up to speed now. Tech support has been incredibly great through the process, even with the added frustrations. At the end of the day, I'm happy.