Let's share some Holdsworth profiles!

  • In honour of the late Allan Holdsworth, I was hoping to garner some interest in creating some authentic sounding Holdsworth profiles. Who's keen? I've found some older profiles, but none that take advantage of the new delays, which should make it much easier to come up with some good stuff, especially for his clean tone.

    Would be good to get some together in order to record some covers, but my attempts at messing with the delays haven't proved very fruitful so far! Anyone have any suggestions?

    I particularly dug the clean tone from this album:

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    Though he does appear to have a few different cleans for that album, one with the extra crystal synth sound going on(which should be possible with the new delays) as well as one for the track 'Sixteen men of Tain' which sounds like he used a harmonizer of some sort.

    And Obviously this lead tone is immense(imo):

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    And lastly, this has to be my favourite lead tone that he recorded(his solo starts at 02:30):

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    Edited 2 times, last by MCVA444 (April 21, 2017 at 12:40 PM).

  • Hello to all (first-time poster here, recent Kemper user)

    This post from the Scott Henderson forum may be of some help to those of us that are longing for that Holdsworth "chord-pad" type of sound, using plugins. I tried the settings used back in the day - using plugins, didn't have a Kemper yet - , and it sounded pretty damn close IMHO !

    You'll have to scroll down a bit to get to the actual settings used by SH to achieve that tone. Hope it's helpful !


    Take care,


  • Thanks. So essentially there are four delays, with two on each side. two are pretty short, and two are around the 400ms mark. May struggle achieving the independent feedback though. Also do you reckon the number by the 'feedback' setting is a percentage? Seems like it must be...