A Harmonic Tremolo, or more tremolo options in general would be awesome. The Spring Reverb could stand a little fixing up as well.

Harmonic Tremolo please
What is a Harmonic Tremelo?
What is a Harmonic Tremelo?
Strymon's Flint has Hamonic Tremolo as one of its 3 tremolos. It's sort of a phasey trem. The tube trem is more smooth and rounded and the Photocell is more choppy.
Clips of all are here.
Yeah I have that pedal but i'm hoping to use the Kemper for everything and not deal with pedals that much anymore.
I would like to second the request for the Harmonic Trem. Here's another great example...
The Bias and Opto modes earlier in this clip would be awesome as well.
And yeah, I already have this pedal....but I want it in the Kemper!
The Harmonic Trem on my Mobius is awesome but I definitely don’t want to use additional pedals in the loop.
The Spring Reverb could stand a little fixing up as well.
Whaddaya mean, Tyler? Just curious, mate.
Are you referring to perhaps being able to EQ the drip component?
Whaddaya mean, Tyler? Just curious, mate.
Are you referring to perhaps being able to EQ the drip component?The original post was from 2017. I’d imagine he’s happy with the new spring reverb if he’s tried it.
It sounds fantastic. I’m not using it live quite yet...waiting to be able to place it in the reverb slot.But it sounds great in from of the amp block too!
After the recent excellence of the Spring Reverb, I live in hope that, eventually, all the effects will be given a suitable overall. After reverb and delay, tremolo is my most-used effect and, whilst the one in the Kemper is OK, it’s behind the curve in terms of what is available. I’m sure at some point it’ll have some magical love put in its direction
I’d love the trem sounds from the Flint too as IMO they’re really nice. Also IMO, the new spring beats the spring in the Flint so there is certainly hope
The original post was from 2017.
D'Oh! Thanks mate.
Other tremolo shapes/types would be nice too (smooth, choppy, rhythm, etc)
A kind of harmonic trem is already possible with the Vibe Phaser. Takes some tweaking, but it’s there.
A kind of harmonic trem is already possible with the Vibe Phaser. Takes some tweaking, but it’s there.
Would you be willing to post a profile with that included? Or some parameters? Thanks!
It’s been a while, but I have a Flint sitting here, so I might have a go at that this weekend. I’m not sure where I got the original Rig from.
+1 for Harmonic Tremolo.
I'm not big on effects but I must admit that is very sexy.
I love the way the fuzz comes in to accentuate the tremolo.
I wonder if you put a tremolo into a phase into a fuzz. You might come close. Maybe?