Rig packs gone ?

  • I just did a few updates yesterday and all was fine, got all the new rig packs showing in RM and working, however I turned on tonight and RM asked for an update ?...so I follow the instructions, now I see Rig packs in the menu, but no patches show up in RM?


    No Gain - No Pain.... :D

  • I just did a few updates yesterday and all was fine, got all the new rig packs showing in RM and working, however I turned on tonight and RM asked for an update ?...so I follow the instructions, now I see Rig packs in the menu, but no patches show up in RM?


    Yep, RM asked me for an update within the past two days ?( , but I didn't allow it knowing I was already on the latest version. Still have the packs though. Strange indeed.

  • Yep, RM asked me for an update within the past two days ?( , but I didn't allow it knowing I was already on the latest version. Still have the packs though. Strange indeed.

    The same here. I was on 2.0 beta (can't remember exact number like 2.0.23456) but I got popup that RM 2.0 beta is ready to be installed. Weird as I was on 2.0 beta. But I let it install. And now I have 2.0 beta. But I still can see rigpacks with the rigs inside.

  • Thanks guys, I'll update then. I checked out Kemper's website and it doesn't list the build number under the RM download. Maybe there are release notes where we could see it.

    Just updated: and Rig Packs are still there.

    Edited 3 times, last by Zapman (February 1, 2017 at 12:07 AM).

  • Ok, so when the Rig packs folder is collapsed, it shows zero in the folder, but when I expand the folder, all the packs are there , with the number of rigs in brackets, ( lightly greyed) but nothing show in the browser?

    Shall I download the packs again?

    No Gain - No Pain.... :D

  • Ok, so when the Rig packs folder is collapsed, it shows zero in the folder, but when I expand the folder, all the packs are there , with the number of rigs in brackets, ( lightly greyed) but nothing show in the browser?

    Shall I download the packs again?

    Ok, so when the Rig packs folder is collapsed, it shows zero in the folder, but when I expand the folder, all the packs are there - but it still shows zero.

    Yeah, I noticed that also. Rig Packs folder shows zero in brackets [0], although subfolders exist and contain numbers of rigpacks.
    Cosmetic bug I would say, since all folders in Rig Manager use the same way of counting objects. Subfolders in folder do not count. Only profiles / rigpacks are counted and only one level down.

  • I reinstalled the last Profiler update and it failed, 2nd time it works and I now have the rig packs as shown.....still asking to do another update but I'm not going to bother.


    You've attached a link to Studio One project screenshot @spark240.

    Which version of Rig Manager do you have installed? Rig Manager --> Help --> About.

    The most recent revision as of 2017/Feb/01 is