Yes of cause great point Harry!, i guess the video tutorial (i was going to make video) is only for lazy people (like me lol) who dont read the ALREADY great Wiki/posts contribution by this forum
Lazyness is a disease!!!
Yes of cause great point Harry!, i guess the video tutorial (i was going to make video) is only for lazy people (like me lol) who dont read the ALREADY great Wiki/posts contribution by this forum
Lazyness is a disease!!!
Lazyness is a disease!!!
But sometimes very comfortable
Don't know if this solves the problem for a few guys, but yesterday I bought the TPLink Power Injector. Works like a charm + bright lights. Even with cheap Cables. Good invested 20€.
@hogan666: at what voltage ?
Thanks for the info.
@Ole1: Mhh no clue The Powersupply is 48V. Here's the Amazon Link:…*=1&*entries*=0