Reamping noob...

  • I'm having a hard time using my Focusrite Saffire 6i6(2nd gen) and reaper to reamp with the kemper.
    Connections are ok.
    I first record a dry track in Reaper(SPDIF1= input in reaper)
    Kemper settings are input: front; SPDIFoutput: git studio
    In reaper one channel is set up torecieve "input mono SPDIF1"
    With the dry track is recorded, I changeSPDIF output from git studio to Master Stereo.
    Now, in Focusrite Control (the prog with USB drivers that comes with the Focusrite Saffire 6i6) I try to set up monitorand output settings.
    Please note that Focusrite control isanother newer prog than Focusrite Mixcontrol!!!
    In focusrite control I set up monitoroutputs 1&2 to SPDIF (stereo)
    Line outputs 3&4 are on Playback1&2
    SPDIF Output 1 is on Custom mix.
    Only with this setting I can hear the reamped SPDIFkemper signal coming back on the reaper channel when connecting my headphone onmonitoring channel 1. The other, already recorded channels (drum, guitar etc)can not be heared…
    When connecting my headphone on headphone channel 2, Ihear all, earlier recorded channels (drum, guitar etc), and only the dry guitarchannel track…
    I can record the reamped kemper SPDIF, and it soundsfine, no problem there…, only, I can not monitor the reamped kemper SPDIF withthe other, earlier recorded channels…
    Now, I know I must be doing something wrong with thesetup of Focusrite control, and the routing of Reaper.
    For a few days I try to find info on the net, but Inever found a step by step manual with the recent focusrite control prog, orany, for me…, understandable explanation how to set up the routing in Reaper.

    Is there anybody, with reaper and focusrite control (NOT mixcontrol) that can give me a few hints please? ;(:S?(:whistling::wacko:

  • Hi krikke,

    Michael is correct, you shouldn't need to change your Focusrite Control routing in this setup. Here's the steps I would advise taking:

    - In Focusrite Control, go to File > System Playback. This will route outputs 1-2 from your software to all outputs on your Scarlett.
    - Next, assign Playback 5-6 to the SPDIF Out.
    - In Reaper, record your dry guitar track as you have been doing (I'm a bit confused as to why you're recording the dry track via the Kemper but that's down to you!).
    - To re-amp the signal, send the dry track in Reaper to Output 5 (or 5-6 if you're working in stereo). This will send the signal to the SPDIF Out on your 6i6 (which I'm assuming you have connected to the Kemper).
    - Record the return signal from the Kemper (SPDIF In 5, or 5-6).

    I hope this helps, if you need any further assistance please feel free to get in touch with us directly:

    Best regards,
    Jack // Focusrite Technical Support

  • Thanks for the answers guys.

    It would be great that, during the recording of the reamped sound, I can hear the already recorded instruments (drum, other guitars, bass etc...) I can live monitor all instruments...
    Now, on the headphone 1 output, I managed to hear the reamped kemper sound, and on headphone output 2 I can hear all other recorded instruments and the dry guitar track... but not all instruments and the reamped kemper sound together...
    This must be possible, no? ;(
    Would be nice to adapt parameters on the kemper, bass trebles for example... or even use the wha... 8o

  • Hi krikke,

    Michael is correct, you shouldn't need to change your Focusrite Control routing in this setup. Here's the steps I would advise taking:

    - In Focusrite Control, go to File > System Playback. This will route outputs 1-2 from your software to all outputs on your Scarlett.
    - Next, assign Playback 5-6 to the SPDIF Out.
    - In Reaper, record your dry guitar track as you have been doing (I'm a bit confused as to why you're recording the dry track via the Kemper but that's down to you!).
    - To re-amp the signal, send the dry track in Reaper to Output 5 (or 5-6 if you're working in stereo). This will send the signal to the SPDIF Out on your 6i6 (which I'm assuming you have connected to the Kemper).
    - Record the return signal from the Kemper (SPDIF In 5, or 5-6).

    I hope this helps, if you need any further assistance please feel free to get in touch with us directly:

    Best regards,
    Jack // Focusrite Technical Support

    Thanks for the answer Jack!
    I just followed the steps you advised, and reamping went fine... only, during reamping I did not heared the signal of the kemper...
    I heared the dry guitar signal, but not the SPDIF signal coming back from the Kemper...
    If this would be possible, it would be great...

  • Hi krikke,

    That sounds as though you've not enabled the 'Input Monitoring' button on your return track in Reaper. This button is just to the left of the input selection list on each track and looks like a speaker - if you switch this on while you're receiving audio back from the Kemper, you should hear this signal through your 6i6.

    Jack // Focusrite Technical Support

  • That sounds as though you've not enabled the 'Input Monitoring' button on your return track in Reaper. This button is just to the left of the input selection list on each track and looks like a speaker - if you switch this on while you're receiving audio back from the Kemper, you should hear this signal through your 6i6.

    The 6i6 doesn't have zero-latency monitoring?

  • Hi krikke,

    That's great news, no problem!

    Michael_dk - the 6i6 does have zero-latency monitoring, however if the dry track has already been recorded it's not typically necessary to listen to the re-amped signal with zero latency.

    Additionally, the 2nd Generation Scarletts were designed with low latency in mind, in many situations you wouldn't necessarily need to create a low latency mix anyway!

    Jack // Focusrite Technical Support

  • Looking at the manual (page 10)…l-scarlett.pdf:

    It seems like you should create a custom mix for the monitor output 1+2, where you add both the "playback 1+2" and spdif inputs. That is, if you want to monitor directly from the interface, rather than having it going through the DAW. If latency isn't an issue, you might not need it. I prefer to use direct monitoring regardless.

    I think it's don by clicking the "Playback 1+2" under your top output (the "monitor Outputs 1+2"), and then add "Software Playback 1+2" (if it isn't there already), and "Spdif 1" and "spdif 2", plus any other inputs you want to route directly to the outputs of the scarlett. Pan/mute/adjust levels of the input channels as necessary.

    The Focusrite Control looks pretty nifty. I'd love to be able to use that with my interface.