Remote Cable

  • Hi guys-sorry for resurrecting this old thread, but i have been having these same problems with the network/remote cable connection.

    The cable has the plastic connector all intact, but the connection on the back of my Kemper has a fair amount of 'play or movement' thus causing my remote to loose connection
    (although it still appears to be plugged in to the network in the back of the Kemper) there is about a 1/4" of 'wiggle room', AND NEVER did click in.
    And the led on the back of the Kemper is off/or flickering with any vibration or movement !?!

    My question is: after reading this thread, is ordering a new cable , such as the GLS going to be a tighter fit into the Kemper's Network back panel???
    I will order one now from Amazon, if that's the answer to remedy this problem!


  • An answer to the old original question:

    I own a backline company in Nashville, as you might guess from my user name.

    I get cables back that are a mess; I use two methods to get the cables to "unlearn" a bad wrap.

    Fast and effective is to lay it flat in the sun for an hour or so, more or less depending on how hot and sunny it is. Even better is to suspend it betweend a fence, tree or whatever is handy. It loosens it up and I can wrap correctly.

    Suspending inside with a small weight in the middle also works, but takes longer, usually a couple of days.
